Monday, May 24, 2010

4 months already?!

I took Caroline to the Doctor today for her four month checkup. She is doing so GREAT! I couldn't wait to see how much she weighed and how long she was...WOW! She weighs in at 15 lbs 10 oz. and is 26 inches long! She is just beautiful and SO much fun now that she is more active. The doctor was very pleased with her progress thus far and couldn't get over how bright eyed and smiley our girl was today. Caroline is now in the 97 percentile for height and weight! She is going to be a big girl soon :) Recently we asked my sister to borrow her excersaucer before she sold it and Caroline LOVED it. She spends time in it everyday and just goes to town! She is grabbing at everything-her big favorites are my hair and anyone's lips...yes she grabs them and then digs her fingers in :) the little doll. She is trying to roll over like a log and is trying to use the tips of her toes as well as her face to start to creep. She usually gets a pinkish hue to her nose and forehead from the blanket on the floor at least once a day. And, the doctor asked me today if she has begun watching us while we eat. YES!!! A great big yes!! I am almost upet about it and don't want to eat if she is in the room. Her little mouth hangs open and she stares you just wait for her to drool. The other day she was on Brad's lap and I watched as she kept her eyes on his fork all the way from picking food up on the plate until it reached his mouth...I couldn't believe it. The doctor said this meant one thing and I had to make a stop on the way home. Yes, Caroline had her first taste of rice cereal tonight! She hated it. I got maybe three big spoonfulls to stay in there but she kept making faces and spitting it out. Very cute and fun for Brad and I to watch.

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