Monday, May 10, 2010

The Motherload :)

My first mother's day with Caroline was UH-MAZE-ING!!!! Wow, what a GREAT weekend. Brad has been working second shift the last few weeks so it was very nice to be able to be together so much. My mother's day started on Saturday in my opinion when Brad helped me so much by cleaning the house. We are talking washing dishes, cleaning bathrooms and everything! Then, he made me lay down and rest with him while Caroline took one of her naps...heavenly! Sunday morning they gave me my gift and I was so surprised about my card. Brad has never given a sentimental card...he always goes for the humor or cute card. But, he and Caroline got me the most beautiful card. I picked out a pair of new PJ's a few weeks ago as part of my gift and Brad let me have them then so I could start wearing them so yesterday I got a new flag for my garden flag stake. My sister hosted brunch for our family and then we headed home to prepare dinner for us and my parents. Dinner was also absolutely UH-MAZE-ING!! We went all out and finished the day off on a high note. After everyone left my hubby even suggested watching a new movie on demand after Caroline went to bed and it was just the two of us. I slept so well after my great day that I don't even remember saying good bye to Brad this morning :)

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