Monday, May 10, 2010

Wisconsin or Bust!

This is late in coming but I had to talk about Caroline's first trip to Wisconsin...she made it and loved it! We spent all day Friday in the car but once we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house the fun began. She got to spend so much time with all of Brad's family and they all doted on her and she smiled and giggled all weekend. We went to celebrate Caleb's First Communion and really enjoyed the weekend. We split the drive home between Sunday night and Monday morning and that was the BEST thing I've ever done....what a lOoooooong trip home :) It was complete with a explosive diaper on Caroline's part and washing her dress in the bathroom at the Oasis and then it ended on a high note when Brad somehow walked into the open tailgate and scratched his face. (please do not ask how, he explained it four times to me and I still don't understand) But, all in all her first of many trips to Wisconsin was a success and filled with lots of family fun time.

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