Monday, June 21, 2010

Ohio is AWESOME!!

My brother and Brad have told me I have to stop saying that. My brother because he lives there now but still likes Michigan better. Brads reasoning is because I only have one point of reference to back up that statement.

So, let me rephrase myself. Franklin Park Mall is AWESOME!! This mall happens to be in Ohio though so excuse me.

I would definitely go there again for one reason and one reason alone. I am actually thinking of writing to the powers that be at that mall to PRAISE them. As a new and young mother-heck even as just an aunt of two rambunctious little girls this mall REALLY impressed me.

I have always wanted to breastfeed any children I have but I never knew how difficult the rest of the world would make it. After seeing a woman whip her boob out in the front row of church one day while I was in college I knew that I would never do that. I don't mind covering Caroline up or excusing myself from the room AT ALL. I do what I have to do in order to feed my child. I really don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or make a scene either to 'stand up for my rights'. Whatever. But, sometimes it is hard because not every place I go has a place for me to nurse. I am not about to go and sit on a toilet to feed my kid...would you make yours eat their dinner there just because they eat solid food or from a bottle? So, unless there is a chair where I can sit I usually have to stand and cover myself or go to the car. Even in most of the 'family restrooms' I have been in. Some of them don't even have more than a diaper changing station and a adult and child size toilet so they do me no good anyways. Those that do have a seating area usually have it out in the open so I still cover myself. Lately this idea has not flown with C baby. She constantly pulls it off her head. Which makes it interesting when she wants to see what is going on. So, every time a mom bring her kid into the family restroom not only does my child fling off the blanket but she unlatches and looks around. Causing me to be embarrassed. And, EXTREMELY embarrassed when a dad walks in to take his child to the potty and there I sit with the girls hanging out. Yes, I happen to be a bit more modest than most of society today.

But, this is not the case at the Franklin Park Mall in Toledo, Ohio. Have I mentioned how AWESOME they are. I actually took pictures of my experience there to demonstrate to you the level of awesomeness.
This is their 'Family Restroom'

!!!!! There is a sitting area for moms and dads with magazines even! Brad even found a 'manly' type magazine to thumb through! And,see those cubicle things in the background?? Those are private nursing areas!!! I was able to sit in that chair and pull the curtain and not have to cover C's head! Plus, there are three of them available in case everyone gets hungry at one time.
This is the sink/diaper changing area. If you can't tell there are many faucets and in between each one is a little curved inset where you can lay your child to change their pants. So great! Also in the picture you may notice there is a diaper warmer! I dont use one of those at home but how thougthful of Ohio to think of it for my child! And, there is a microwave in case you have to warm anything up for your kids. Genius!!

Finally, they even take care of bigger kids.

There are these toys on the wall to keep them occupied. And if that doesn't work there is a tv mounted near the ceiling with cartoons running nonstop! A perfect way to occupy toddlers while you take care of everything. There is of course a room here as well with the toilets in it but I didn't want to seem too weird taking a picture of that. I must say I enjoyed my experience here and wish I could find more places that were this nice to families. Kudos to you Franklin Park Mall. If any of you reading this ever go to Toledo think about stopping in there. They are nice to you AND your kids!

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