Monday, January 10, 2011

Chew on this

Miss C was definitely born into the right family.


Yes, she belongs with us. She eats all the time and any time she can. You aren't eating YOUR snack, you are eating something C has allowed you to eat. She usually comes right over and starts by staring at you and trying to grab the food right out of your hand and if that doesn't get her food she will just start screeching. If you are eating and she isn't, the world is not right. She has a love for food. Particularly carbs. Which my mom loves to brag about. Potatoes, bread, pasta, crackers. She goes 'hog wild'. I am trying my best to throw some dairy, veggies and fruit at her while she goes to town on the carbs . It would work for a while to just put all her meat and veggies or whatever I WANTED her to eat in a big pile mixed up with her bread or noodles or potatoes and she would just grab a handful of everything and eat it all. Alas, my child has figured me out. She either picks around what she doesn't want or simply eats around it. Yes, she knows how to put it in her mouth and swallow what she wants while spitting out the unwanted item unchewed. How can one little 11 month old be so smart? And, where the heck did she get these picky eating habits from?? Heaven only knows. :)

That was all precursor to the funny story I want to share. Miss C and I took my parents on a road trip this New Years Eve to go see Brad who was away on business for a week. Of course, any good road trip needs a stop at Cracker Barrel and that was our lunch on the road to daddy. When our food got to the table C grabbed food right off my mom's plate and began munching. She gets her table manners from her father-I swear. Alhthough, I did once witness my oldest niece as a infant grab a pickle from her mom's plate and proceed to turn and dip it in my Gyro sauce before we could stop her. I told you C belonged in this family. Anyways, when C grabbed my mom's lunch we went hysterical. She loves cucumbers and tomatos but did she grab those? Nope, the only thing she wanted off the salad was the croutons. Carbs of course!! My mom and I died in laughter.

Wait, you're not laughing as hard as I was?? Oh wait, in order for that story to be really funny I have to tell you this story.

My mom has a group of friends she has known for like 30 years or something. They are the FBI ladies since they all used to work together. Yep, mom worked at the FBI. Impressed? You should be. Intimidated? Prolly not. She was a private secretary but she can hold her own at the shooting range if you were asking. And, there are a group of us that we used to refer to as the FBI kids. When our moms did stuff together we usually did too. One thing they used to do was a bowling league in the summer. They would bowl on Tuesday morning and there was a 'nursery' in the alley that would watch us while they had all the fun. Afterwards though we all went out to lunch. One Tuesday afternoon we were at Burger King. The moms sat us down and told us to wait while they went to get our food. My sister and I were told to keep an eye on my brother. Yeah, he was two, I was 5 and my sister was 6. There's the first mistake! Anyways when the moms return with our food my mom couldn't find our brother. Then, we found him. I will forever remember the image of him that we all were viewing. This also happens to be one of the only times my mother wishes the 'floor would open up and swallow her' she was so embarrassed. There stood my brother in his little shorts and t shirt with his beaten up tennis shoes standing at a table of what looked like construction men. All about middle aged and in work clothes. Big and tough looking. And, my brother was picking the croutons right off of the salads of one of the men.

I am laughing as I type this, it is still that funny. We love to talk about it to this day. And, my brother was so proud when I told him what his niece was doing.

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