Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas 2010 in a nutshell

Caroline loved Christmas. She got LOTS of toys. Those toys make lots of noise. Mommy needs a break from the toys. The End.

Just kidding.

But we really did enjoy the holidays. I don't remember the last time I had this much fun on Christmas and I LOVE Christmas. We got to see Santa twices, I shared cookie making and decorating with C and opening gifts with her was so fun! We celebrated our traditional Christmas Eve with Wigilia at my parents house and C ate anything we gave her. We went to church and then came back to find Santa had stopped at Busia's house. I think he left EVERY toy in his sleigh but we have three very good little girls in the family :) Miss C celebrated Christmas enough times this year that by Christmas morning she finally got the hang of ripping the paper off the packages instead of just eating it off....She got many new things that she loves to play with and she will be one dapper dressed girl this year so far!

And of course, the previously mentioned milestone. While I was helping clean up after Christmas Eve dinner everyone who wasn't helping started screaming for me to come quick. I happened to have a cookie in my hand that I was trying to munch on and it was the key to the moment. As I stepped in the hallway and looked at my daughter and she looked at the cookie, I knelt down and held out the sweet treat in my hands and she WALKED right into my arms! About 5 steps in all but it was the most beautiful Christmas present ever! She of course got the cookie to eat and we didn't get any pictures of course. Good thing too, since I had my ugly cry face on most of the time. You know the one where your mouth isn't really closed or open and your eyese are so squinted you can barely see around the tears and eventually you cover your face with your hand?? Yeah, I had that times 10 I was so moved. She is getting better at walking now even though she does most of her moving about by crawling still but we are getting there.

New Year's was celebrated in a hotel in Ohio this year. Brad had to work of course. So, at midnight he was at the plant and I was at the hotel with my mom and dad and C. We all fell asleep waiting for the ball to drop. I'm pathetic. What a memorable event that will always be :)

Hoping your Christmas season was wonderful and 2011 is off to a great start!

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