Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Knock on wood?

So, over this past weekend we got to talk with/catch up with lots of people since our joyous return home. Of course, they welcomed us back, asked us all about it and asked when his next travels would be. When Brad tells people this bit of info. they all respond with: "at least it isn't until July" or "well you get some down time before then" or something similar. Well, I would like to slap* these people because we have been jinxed! :) My reply back to them is always: "yes, that is only our guranteed job, that doesn't mean he can't be sent somewhere before then". And, that is exactly what happened. He called me yesterday morning and told me he was on his way home to pack for Greensburg Indiana. I of course went into a panic and had to decide what I would do. I have anxiety issues and of course worry over what everyone else will think about anything and EVERYthing in my life so it was a tough decision. While I know there are LOTs of things needing to be done back home I know they will all be waiting for me when I return. Up until the moment I pulled my suitcase back out of the closet I wasn't sure what I would do. It was a tough call but I'm not ready to send him out the door with a kiss yet while I wave from the doorway. I HAVE done it before though before we left for Argentina so I am capable of doing it :) It also doesn't help that I know how much he likes having me at the hotel and with him in the car either...and they are simple things I can do to make him happy and that is all I want. When we go on these car rides, we have our BEST conversations so at least that is something to look forward to! Plus, I am lucky to be in this position where I can drop my life, pack my bags and be with my love wherever he needs me so I am grateful or that. Continue to pray for us as we travel for work and travel through our life trying to figure out what is best for us!

*I wouldn't really slap you...only joking :)

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