Monday, January 5, 2009

The Newlywed Game

Well, as of today I have been married for hmmm...23 days. In those 23 days and nights we have slept in 7, yes SEVEN different beds. In those same 23 days and seven beds we have spent T-W-O...that's right-2 nights in our own bed at our house! They weren't even consecutive days :/. Back in August I wished my employer the best of luck as I walked out the door for the last time and Brad stood by me through it all. We agreed that after the wedding I would then figure out what to do and I could do WHATEVER I wanted with my life and free time. Well, this turned into a blessing in disguise as I am able to spend my life and free time with Brad. We found out that he would need to do travelling come the new year and I decided to pack up and be with him for most of it. Who doesn't want to be with their new husband wherever he goes? I told him my home was where he is and we are currently in Lafayette, Indiana. Lots of people wondered why I would do this and asked 'what are you going to do all day in a hotel room while he works?'. Well, my friends I do lots and I would like to correct that this is NOT a hotel room. I have what is comparable to a studio apartment. I like to think of this as our way of experiencing the first home that most newlyweds can afford! I have two rooms and a HUGE bathroom. I have a full kitchen with everything but a oven and yes we have cooked meals here. I even have a dishwasher! My sister never had that in her first home! I don't use it but housekeeping likes to put our stuff in there if we leave it in the sink. Another added bonus: I don't even have to wash the towels or vacuum this house! I took some pictures but none of the bedroom; they hadn't made the bed yet :) As for what I do...I have discovered it all. Brad gets a ride into work each morning and I have the car. I found the mall, all the good stores-Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Wal-Mart and I know my way about town. Scary as this sounds I have to give Brad directions on how to get anywhere in about the blind leading the blind! Besides that I learned how to play Sudoku, I use the pool, I write thank you notes-I have kept busy. I know, nothing compared to the days most people have but at the same time I am far from family and never know how late my husband will be working so it does have major drawbacks too. I am going to try to keep this blog it gives me something ELSE to do while down here...and for now and at least this next week it will be coming to you live from Lafayette. Happy 2009!

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