Thursday, January 27, 2011

A year of learning

Just in case you missed it my baby hit a huge milestone in her life. Her first milestone of this kind really. She had a birthday.
I have a one year old. It has been one year since I gave birth. One year of not being pregnant. One whole year of being a mommy.

That sounds pretty intimidating and scary to have it all written up there together like that.

What a year it's been! I have lots of highs and lots of lows. Lots of 'ah-hahs!' and lots of 'duh's'. Lots of tears (from both me and Caroline). Lots of being awake and little bits of sleep:)

A year of discovery. A year of learning. A year of giggles. A year of finding out.

Here's some of the more important things I've learned this year thanks to my baby girl.

I'm tougher than I ever thought I could be.
I have never been one to face confrontation head on. I'm a wuss when it comes to tense, awkward and tough situations. I can imagine myself freezing in my tracks if ever caught in such a situation. But I've imagined situations involving C and something happening to her. Something or someone hurting her. I've also thought about what I would do as her mother. Seriously, mess with my kid or my family, threaten our well being and happiness in anyway and I will personally kick your arse, scratch your eyes out, call you out, run you over in my car if I have to, there will be levels of noise you've never heard. I mean it, mess with me and immacutabitch as they might say. Pardon my language. I'm passionate about my kid.

I'm a comedian.
Just aks C, she'll tell you how I keep her in stitches all.the.time. All I have to do is look at her a certain way and she erupts. She loves the way I say mmmmack-uh-roan-eeeeeee. Try even getting her to eat any after I say that. You'll have to wait for her to stop laughing. Oh, and she has the BEST little laugh ever :)

I've talked about it before when she was really little. Everyone said 'with your own kid it will be different'. Nope. My kid has nasty poo and I hate it. It only gets worse as they start eating more solid food. And the stench is horrible too. I have literally gagged over my own sweet little girl. Don't matter who does it. A poopy diaper is nasty. Blech. I am trying to teach C what we taught my nieces. "poopies are for daddy's".

I will never again have privacy.
Yeah, I know I gave up some privacy when I married Brad. Boy, I thought THAT was hard to get used to! At least he lets me use the bathroom by myself. C thinks the bathroom with me no matter what I am doing is the most fun place to be. While I pee. While I shower. (she actually lifts the curtain to try to join me. And soaks herself in the meantime. Fun times.) While I dry my hair. Even with the door closed I can hear her little knuckles pounding on it while Brad tells her to come play and leave mommy alone for two minutes. I like that she wants to be with me so much but I hope in the future we do our bonding somewhere other than the bathroom :/

My kitchen floor will never be completely clean EVER again.
I used to use my swiffer vac every other day at the most. I would diligently clean off her highchair. Wipe down the counters and table. Then turn on my swiffer; I LOVE that thing. I hate stepping on crumbs and garbage walking through the room in my barefeet. Now, I give up. There are more important things to be doing each day as C gets older and older with each one and I don't want to waste them cleaning my floor. Instead I sigh as I wipe my feet off yet again and wonder: When did we have Ham???

Walt Disney is a Hero.
I love sharing a great part of my childhood with C. We listen to the classic hits from all the Disney Movies every day at breakfast. Brad and I sing them to her while we cook dinner. She loves it. I allow her to watch the Disney Channel and sometimes will put one of my DVD's in. I can't wait to share this magic with her as she can understand it better. And, I really can't wait to someday take her to the happiest place on earth. And, we can be kids together :)

Heaven smells like Dreft.
Nothing is better at the end of the day than holding that precious bundle of an angel in my lap while I inhale the scents of Baby Wash and Dreft combined. I love it so much I may always wash her clothes in that. It's one of my favorite smells now.

I miss being pregnant. I want to be pregnant again.
I love having her here though! It's amazing how giving birth and raising a child can make you forget all the low points of pregnancy. But, occasionally I have a twitch in my tummy and remember when that was her kicking me hello for the first time. She's going to be a great big sister....someday. *SIGH*

Time goes way too fast.
She's one. I have bags and bags of clothes on shelves in the basement that no longer fit. She's walking and talking and understands me. She puts herself to sleep without having to be in my arms...well every once in a while. I am not pushing for that one to be every night yet. I can't believe this little girl was my little baby this time last year.

God is Good. All the time.
No explanation needed!

I love my little girl. Happy 1st Birthday, little Miss C. Can't wait to see where this year takes us.
Janurary 21, 2010

January 2011

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