Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am so blessed :)

Last night Brad and I headed to my parents house to join them on a trip to Chuck E' Cheese. We had talked about it for over a week-we would join them while they babysat my nieces because my sister and her husband were going out with old friends. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary or anything. We had a leisurely day at home and aside from Brad insisting on doing all these odd tasks (he scrubbed our BBQ) it seemed normal. We watched tv and laid around dressed like slobs. Thank goodness I felt it necessary to make myself up; I was sure my mom would say something to me about being 'overdressed' for Chuck E' Cheese. I had my hair done and makeup on and a snappy outfit. Well, we get to my mom's house and go in (I was a bit peeved with Brad for something he wouldn't let me do) and the house is quiet. But my dad covered and told me the girls had 'trashed the upstairs so they went downstairs to trash that'. Well, fine-sounds right! I drop my purse off, take my shoes off (NO socks or anything!!!!) and head for the stairs. My niece and my mom are at the bottom and Abby is so happy to see me. I get to the bottom and my mom practically pulls my arm off to get me off the step where upon a whole crowd of people yell 'Surprise!' and begin taking pictures. I have seen one of the pictures and it can only be described as 'deer in the headlights'. I had NO clue. In fact, the first thought was 'why are they here, WHAT is the surprise for?'. My birthday was three weeks ago so I didn't think it could be that but it WAS!! I was so shocked and happy and wanted to hide. I saw 'my friends' but then I also saw 'Brad's friends' and was so touched. It showed how two lives really are becoming one and that we BOTH mean something to a lot of people! :) Last night meant the world to me; I don't know when I've been so touched and honored! I rode on that natural high well after I laid my head down last night. I got to see everyone and catch up with everyone and they all welcomed us home and it was wonderful! Upon looking back things throughout the day made sense. All the phone calls, Brad stalling, not going out there sooner when I wanted. Things he said. I am just glad that for some reason I felt compelled to spend quite a bit of time to do my hair and pick out the perfect outfit to go play skee ball and eat pizza with a two year old! My mom and my sister were certain I would show up in a ponytail and sweatshirt-my new staple outfit these days! It was a memorable evening and one I won't soon forget. If you were there last night please know how much it meant to me and how incredibly, amazingly happy I was because you were there! I don't have any of the pictures yet but hopefully someone can get some to me and I will post them; as long as I don't look like an idiot!

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