Monday, January 10, 2011

Merry Christmas!

And, Happy New Year?? Gah, I swear I am not lazy but I haven't posted in almost a month. It's not my fault. My laptop has been out since three days before Christmas. It had a boatload of things wrong with it. Biggest one being that it had someone kind of virus on it. Not going to mention any names on who did that one but it wasn't me :) Then, I went to download some pictures and discovered my usb ports were broken. Great. The final straw that finally got my butt in gear and sent me into Best Buy for the second time in three months was my built in webcam wouldn't work. Joy. Not helpful when you are trying to Skype someone. You may wonder how I am writing this right now. If anyone were to walk into my living room they may laugh their arses off. I have a desktop set up on my end table. Big ol' flat screen on top and the chunky tower underneath. Thank God, for wireless keyboards and such. Not such pretty decor in my opinion. Plus, we had to slide a piece of wood between the legs of the table so Miss C can't touch the pretty little light up thing and push it or as I like to call it, the POWER button. We have a rocking setup my friends! So, until my friends over at the Geek Squad are done, Christmas posts will have to wait. And, we had a BIG milestone on Christmas Eve this year. Now I have your attention huh? Betcha you keep checking back to find out what she's done now!

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