Monday, June 8, 2009

Baby update :)

I had an appointment with our nurse at the office last week and my wonderful husband took an hour out of his workday to be there with me. I could have done it alone as it wasn't anything major but we were both glad he was there. I did some more blood tests, got a bunch of info on optional tests that are offered to us and talked about my current health and family history on both of us. I was also weighed and after initially losing weight (I fixed my scale to match the office scale the day I was confirmed pregnant) the first week or so I gained a pound! I couldn't believe it since I have been so sick lately but it's a good sign. We talked about my nutrition so that I don't keep adding on pound after pound :) but I still need to eat more and drink TONS more water than I do. The nurse actually scolded me when she saw I didn't have water WITH me that day. She told me to get used to it and Brad is ready to buy me a watch with an alarm we can set to remind me that I should have another bottle of water open. Seriously whenever he finds out something that I should or shouldn't do he watches me like a hawk and is always asking me now: 'can you eat that?' 'can we do this?' he is so cute.
When they drew blood they said I may be dehydrated because they couldn't get my big fat old veins to pump blood. They actually did it in one arm that wouldn't flow with blood at all so they took that needle out and tried on the other arm. But, of course they had to try a smaller needle so it took so long to finally give enough blood and I went home with two sore arms :(
Some of my pants, especially anything denim is starting to need a bit of an extra tug these days but I am still in regular clothes for the most part!! Brad and I have a nickname for our little one; who is the size of a green olive this week and is officially able to be called a fetus! We WON'T be finding out if it's a boy or girl and we don't really want to call the baby 'it' for nine months either. So, after thinking about it, it finally came to us. We have our "baby bear" :) but we do still call him or her 'it' too...hard not to. Then there is my two year old niece who calls my belly "baby snoopy".
We have another appointment in three weeks and we won't have an ultrasound for about another 9 or so God willing everyone stays healthy. I don't know how I will wait that long!

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