Monday, October 29, 2012

Fit for a queen

Do you ever have those moments where you want to be upset or angry or frustrated or to scowl but then your kid does something or says something and you can't keep your foul mood from fading??

Both my kids did this to me the other day.

Mark has turned into a horrible sleeper. He used to just be a bad sleeper but he's progressed. We finally have him sleeping all night in HIS bed again but he starts the day very early that way unfortunately. Of course, he times his wake up time with Brad getting out of bed to shower. So, Brad usually goes to get him and brings him to me and we lay in bed together for a bit longer. This one morning as my face was smushed into my pillow and I longed for more sleep I turned my head to see a very happy and very awake little boy scrambling off of his daddy's lap. Just as I was about to tell him that 'mommy was not amused' with him being awake already he crawled to me.

And spit his NUK out.

And leaned down to me.

And kissed me. A sloppery, wet, open mouthed Mark kiss. He sat back up and clapped, obviously very proud of himself.

I was too :)

As the day wore on take my lack of sleep, the "I'm getting sick" feeling that was attacking me and the fact that my children were being great at being...well, two small, very active children and mommy was not in the best of moods or having a four star day.

I decided to dress the part. Really, if you would have seen me you would have been totally jealous of my beauty. I decided to style my hair in the sexiest way I knew how.

French braided ponytails coming right up!

I looked like the hippest, sportiest, coolest third grader you could ever aspire to be.

But, my hair was out of my face and off my sweat covered neck. After exiting the bathroom I decied to vacuum the floors. Upon entering the living room I heard my daughter squeal with delight and saw her jumping up and down clapping her hands.

"oh, mommy! look at your hair!!!
You look just like Tangled!"

I've never felt prettier :)

Thank you my little prince and princess. For that day, you made me feel richer than a queen.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The weather is warmer

Warm enough for us to put on shorts and sandals and spend lots of time outside. You would guess this is the case by looking at this, no??

We love being outside and running all over the place :) Those little legs sure move fast! Sometimes too fast as you can tell. I think I have the only kid though, who does NOT like band-aids. She likes the look of them but once I put one on her she flips out. I have Mickey ones, princesses and Winnie the Pooh even but she won't wear them. I told Brad (after about the third tumble and srape in two days) that I think I have a girl that in about five years time I will have to lock in the house and keep away from all bikes, scooters, skates, wagons, bouncy balls and sidewalks for about a month  leading up to First Communion time. I think we'll always have bumps, bruises and scrapes peeking out under our pretty dresses now.

I wouldn't change a thing about my girl :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

My kids are funny: the new 'green' math

I may be her mother but I believe my daughter is the most intelligent two year old ever. She says things or does things and I have no idea how or where she learned them. I certainly don't 'work' on these things with her while we are home all day. She is just a sponge, soaking up the world as she goes.

The other day we were talking a walk with my nieces and my sister and Caroline was being carried back to the house the last block (those little legs slow us all down!) by her auntie. I had told my sister recently how we were sitting in the car and Caroline started counting the trees in front of us and did it correctly! She can count to eleven but doesn't really understand how to count items. But she did it that time :) As my sister balanced Caroline on her hip and Caroline's snack from spilling she asked her:

"Caroline, if I have three trees and I take one away, how many trees do I have left?"

Caroline pulled back and stared at her, shocked, and said: "Why are you cutting down trees!!!??"

She may have a future as an environmentalist. The cutest one ever :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Told you so...

As I mentioned just yesterday I predicted that my little girl would probably have her fair share of injuries in the near future. Well, the future began today.
The bruise isn't quite as dark in the picture as it is in person. She was telling us something she wasn't going to listen to us about and walked into our glass top table in the basement. She was fine and actually cried more about the ice being so cold more than the actual injury. And, she keeps telling me that I made her boo-boo all better....I kissed it :) To the first of many black eyes, scratched knees, stitched fingers, broken bones and anything else they throw at me!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Double duty

A lot has been happening! I really want to start updating more, even if it's something silly and stupid and it only matters to me :) Becauase I am really stupid and silly evidently. This past week Mark had some very exciting events. For starters he rolled over! We missed it the first time though. Brad sat on the floor with Mark and then got distracted by something on his phone. All of a sudden he said "uhhh....mommy?" and I looked and accused him of flipping him himself because I am NOT the mother who would miss this moment :) We turned him back on his back and got the camera's ready and in about five minutes he did it again. Unlike his sister he hasn't been interested in doing it much more. Maybe once a day. He spends a lot of time on the floor and gets himself on his side and is happy to stay like that. Maybe it's comfortable? He also got his first taste of rice cereal too. He had begun watching us intently while we eat and almost drooling on command so I thought what the heck? I was hoping to hold him off of this longer than Caroline did but no such luck. He is eating a very tiny amount everyday and seems to enjoy it. I was hoping it might help stop some of the spit up but it hasn't so far. As much as I hated Caroline's poop problems (I think I mentioned them before?) I hate the spit up even more. It happens all day any day everyday and all over my house. Spit up doesn't discriminate. I look forward to this phase being over. And to add to the spit up I think we are teething too. If not, then I would like some other explanation for the slimey drool he is usually covered in as of late. And the reason for sticking his whole hand in his mouth thus covering it in aforementioned slime. Or sucking on my shirt or arm or finger or whatever he can grab to gnaw on. And, he is grabbing so much more now. He has one certain rattle that he can grab and shake himself now. He's my genius :) And, the other day we found him holidng on to one of the hanging toys in his 'floor gym'. But, we don't think he realizes how to let go...he justs hangs out until he gets tired or something and then gets pretty angry until we help him release his fingers. Then all is well! He loves to smile and has a killer one and is so ticklish (just like daddy!) and I LOVE to hear his adorable giggle. Brad will tell anyone and everyone Mark is a momma's boy. I don't care. He's just jealous! Mark does prefer me to everyone else and they all call it 'being spoiled' but I don't! He does have a problem with not being held or having people put him down and walk away to probably do something important like pee but I am hoping he gets through that soon too. Brad can hold him and play with him but when he gets tired and wants to sleep only mommy will do :) I love it. Mostly. He started sleeping in his crib all the time over the weekend. This was the worst for me. I am the one to blame for him not being in there already. He did great and slept as good as he did in the pack and play in our room. I was worried because the PNP has a vibrate mode to it that instanly soothed him and the crib wouldn't have that. But, the nature sounds on the mobile seem to be just as calming and effective. He still gets up at night but Caroline never slept through either so I am not counting on it. We have a doctor's appointment in a few weeks but right now if I stand on the scale without him and then with him there is a 14 pound difference. I love my chunky monkey :)
And, Miss Caroline. She is so independent, stubborn and daring. Oy, I see a few emergency room visits in our future! She is into climbing on EVERYTHING!!! She wants to do everything herself and help with anything and everything. She knows no fear. Well, she does seem to be afraid of the potty. While I was pregnant she would want to use it every now and then and even did manage to do her business in there a few times. But, now that we really want to start the training process she is very much against it! But, in the last few days I think we may have some signs of turning a corner so to speak. I'm crossing my fingers. Her attitude is out of this world now too. She repeats everything I say to her and has now started telling me 'no, you don't talk to me like that' when I tell her she can't have popsicles for her morning snack. Or 'go away mommy' when I catch her doing something she shoudln't be doing. I don't know how both of us will survive the teenage years. She really has an amazing vocabulary and conversation skills to boot. She knows her pleases and thank yous, she can say some of our prayers, count to ten, say some of her alphabet and sings a million different songs! She loves to perform for me but when I want her to do it on cue she won't!Her memory is pretty amazing too. Not something that is always handy when mommy is trying to avoid something but fun nonetheless. She is the best helper in the world and loves taking care of Mark. Whenever he is crying in the car (which is ALL THE TIME lately) she makes funny faces for him and sings to him the song I normally sing. She loves to help burp him and give him his bath and do anything else I let her. I made up a song about Mark and I can no longer sing it because "he's my little man, mommy". I hope this lasts forever! The best part of having her talk so much though is how great we can communicate and I know exactly what she is feeling and wanting and everything else. Like last night as I was getting her 'jammies on and tickling her until she was breathless and she stood up and hugged me and said 'mommy, you're the best mommy!' I then had to explain to her why I was crying and hugging her so much ! <3

Monday, March 5, 2012

Life as a two year old

While reading through my blog I realized I made a HUGE mistake. I'm so sorry Caroline. However old you are as you read this, I am sorry!

Our little princess turned two over a month ago!! Actually almost TWO months ago now! woops :(

It was a day spent in style. Minnie Mouse style. I started planning the party months in advance and she was in a Minnie phase so that's what I ran with. She is in the phase again since most everyone 'themed' their gifts with the party and we now own just about every Minnie toy on the market :)

The day was full of fun with family and friends and Caroline entertained everyone every step of the way. While she opened her presents she was handing out her cards and gifts to all the kids to hold as she moved on to the next one. Oh, and she made sure to tell everyone when to clap and laugh. Literally. She is good at giving orders :)I think her favorite gift is her bike. I thought she would be too young for it still but she fell in love with one at the store two weeks before her party. The planner in me had already bought all her gifts so it wouldn't come from us but my parents needed an idea and Caroline was very grateful for it.

Daddy and I gave her a very special gift and so far it is still doing well! Caroline got to go and pick out a new friend and we named her 'Dora'. Yes, we are now a family with a pet. Dora is still swimming strong so Caroline is taking very good care of her!

She has changed and grown up so much in the last year. She is such a big girl and most everyone who meets her is shocked when I tell them she just turned two. They all expect her to be older!
She can count to eleven and knows every animal sound there is. Her vocabulary is out of this world and she is usually making me smile and laugh every week with something she says to me. She loves to carry around things in something. Whether a bucket, a bag, a purse whatever it is it's usually filled with an assortment of crayons and toys. She LOVES to color and be creative with me. So far no walls or other household items have been destroyed and I am thankful for that :) Alhtough, her Caillou doll did get a makeover that mommy was able to scrub away.... She is mommy's big helper. Whether helping me with Mark or cooking or cleaning or putting the groceries away she is always right there offering her assistance and wanting to learn. Her favorite movie right now is Tangled and she watches just about anything animated that is on when I turn the tv on. Thank goodness she is starting to enjoy variety...mommy had every episode of Caillou memorized! She eats like a little pig and enjoy anything and everything we give her. Her favorite food is currently broccoli and she was recently introduced to chocolate milk and is now loving that too. There is so much more that I am probably forgetting but I had to mention her other two favorites right now. I gave birth to a little girl and was so looking forward to the frills and bows that went with it. While my best gal enjoys her baby dolls and wearing dresses her favorite things right now are.....dinosaurs and pirates. When she sees anything to do with those two things she is instantly attracted. So, mommy bought her a pirate hat and made her a dinosaur tail that she loves stomping around in.

And, if you notice in the pictures you can tell how much she loves to let me brush her hair and make it all pretty with 'ponies' and bows :) So much for my 'girly-girl!'

Monday, January 30, 2012

A family portrait

Caroline is quite the artiste. She loves to color and draw. She is constantly asking for her 'colors' i.e. crayons. I keep them out of her reach in a zippered baggie. The out of her reach part came a few weeks ago when she showed me she knew how to open the zippered part. Fun times.

I claim she gets her creative streak from me. I have always loved arts and crafts and while I don't claim to be great at drawing I do have a pretty good knack for it. I drew Mickey Mouse for Caroline once and now she is always asking me to repeat the gesture. And, I believe I've mentioned before one or two of the things I have made for the kids or the house.

We had lunch at Big Boy's yesterday since Caroline had a free lunch to use up as part of their birthday club. She always makes sure to ask the hostess for crayons. Or rather she says "where my crayons??" to make sure they give them to her. This visit I joined in with her to keep her focused on coloring instead of driving the people around us crazy with her antics :) I simply flipped my placemat over to have a clean slate of coloring space. She recently bought a Magna Doodle with some birthday money and I have been keeping her occupied and out of toddler fit throwing by drawing things for her. The other day she asked me to draw daddy and she loved it so much she had me draw everyone in the house. She repeated her request at Big Boy's and now I had the room to draw all of us together! She laughed hysterically as each person took shape and she knew who I was drawing without me telling her so I must be accurate in my representation :)

After I was done and we had giggled enough she asked Brad for his placemat and flipped it over just like mine. Then she took my crayon (they had to be identical evidently!) and drew everyone herself. As she drew each of us she told me who she was drawing and asked me to write the names in. I of course praised her and knew I would treasure both of these pictures for a long time. She was so proud of her artwork and she should be! I think this is one of my favorite pictures of Brad EVER :) and, hey, I don't look too bad myself!