Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Honeymoon is over!

Yes, after travelling non-stop since the wedding we are finally back home in Michigan. Well, at least for the next three weeks until we travel again :) I say the honeymoon is over because in retrospect that is what it felt like to the two of us. We were away from home and all the demands it holds, away from family and friends; just the two of us figuring out what to do with our days. Yes, Brad worked but we lived in a hotel and the 'normalcy' of our life was missing. So, we did have an extended honeymoon where it was just the two of us together doing whatever we wanted and we did enjoy it. But, we are home and getting settled in as newlyweds. The house is organized and what isn't organized is put in one of the other bedrooms with the door closed! Brad has gone back to the office for regular hours and isn't having much fun with it after all this time. I am doing my wifely duties and taking care of the household...as soon as I figure out how this is done I will be all set! We grocery shop, we cook, 'we' do laundry, we have people over (really just an excuse to see my nieces) and be lazy together. I have found the one downside of having a big, beautiful home with lots of space. I have a big, beautiful home with lots of space to keep CLEAN! Wow, quite a bit of work but I am nailing it down into a routine. I only allot myself a few moments on the computer so I am closing out now so I can go get dinner organized and pull out my pumps and pearls to be ready when my husband walks through the door this afternoon :) The picture below is one of my favorites from our first weekend home...


  1. FYI: When you are married to a Michigan Tech man, the honeymoon is NEVER over! These men know how to keep their women very, VERY happy! Welcome to the "Happy Wives" club!
