Monday, January 12, 2009

Thank goodness I am a procrastinator.

So, this travelling business has allowed me to feed my procrastination habit. I am as embarrassed about what is to follow just as much as I am amused. I mean if you know you will look back and laugh, why not start laughing now? Right? So, our house is trashed...literal chaos. I want to have a panic attack whenever I walk through it. So, this weekend as we stood amidst it trying to figure out how to maneuver around it all I had to snap some shots. With the wedding, the holidays and now travelling-our house has been neglected. I have stuff EVERYWHERE! Exhibit A: this is how the kitchen looks for the first hour or so after we arrive back at the palace. Yes, one of those luggage sets is new; we don't travel with THAT much stuff.

This is the OTHER half of the kitchen...I have no idea why this stuff is sitting around. The boxes are empty and if we were ever around on trash day, they would go out. The rest of the stuff really does have a place in our home but that place is probably occupied with something else right now :)

You can also see exhibit B in the background of the first photo. The house was still entirely decorated for Christmas; I told myself I wouldn't put anything out but I couldn't resist. I did manage though to rectify the situation this weekend. EVERYTHING is taken down and every last storage container is out of the way and where it belongs! On to exhibit B as mentioned earlier. Notice the only part of the house not decorated for Christmas...only because it is still decorated for thanksgiving :) And, yes...our wedding 'leftovers' are all over the table too:)

Speaking of our wedding has taken over. Which brings us to exhibit C. I took this shot becuase it was so cute. There was a corner for our wedding gifts that had gotten smaller and only had a few things left to put away but St. Francis looks so sweet surrounded by it all, don't you agree? He WAS indeed a wedding gift so he is technically in the right spot for now until he can go in the yard this summer.

Then, right next to this is the spoils of my after Christmas shopping...with a side of Wedding memorabilia.

Exhibit D kind of sums it all up...a head on shot of what this tragedy looks like from the hallway. With a very cute hubby caught in the background.

Like I said this is equal parts funny and embarrasing. The best part is though that I got my butt in gear and for the 36 hours I was home this weekend I managed to put it all away and my house looks much better and at least somewhat normal. Well, if the situation we are in can even be considered normal. So, for all you other house owners...hope this makes you feel better about your own home. Nothing can be as messed up as mine is right now! I wouldn't have it any other way though!

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