Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm a handy one!

Well, Brad is gone on business for the second day in a row. He got asked to travel to Canada for a few days and 'should' be home tomorrow. But, at the same time our trip to Argentina has been pushed up from the 9th to the 5th so I decided to stay behind this time while he left so I could be here and spend time with family, friends and work around the house. But, back to the real topic here....last week we bought a inexpensive piece of furniture from a bargain store that doesn't really specialize in furniture but it worked for what we were looking for. We just got our land-line installed (yay!) and now we have a phone in our dining room. Well, the phone jack is in the middle of one wall and the electric outlet is at the bottom of the next wall...things did not look good. So, we wanted a table or stand to go there and found something that went perfectly with our dining set. We got it home and took all the pieces out and started working; I do all the reading and getting the correct pieces to Brad. Well, we got to about step five when we had to attach some decorative 'molding' to the top of the table. Brad took the screws from me and I was helping put some in since there were 8. After getting them all in, my Samson realized that he had screwed them so far and tight that they went through to the TOP of the table. Not good! He will go on and on about how it isn't his fault and how stupid the manufacturer is but the ones that little ol' me got screwed in as tight as I could didn't poke through :) So, he requested a new piece from the company saying it was 'defective'. When I came home today the new part was waiting at our door. Being as I would be home again by myself I decided to get to work. Two hours and lots of work later it is finished and in place. Quite a bit of labor and that thing is totally heavy once assembled. I took some pictures as I worked to show how much really went into it!

Some of the parts AFTER I had already begun assembly.

I'm almost halfway done!

Two hours and some change later: TAH DAH!!

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