Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have a thing!

I never knew about it nor would I have ever noticed before my husband told me about it. He just laughs and says "that's my honey" whenever it pops up. He's seen it happening for a while now but never said anything until after we were married. And, looking back I see that it is true. I have this 'thing' where when I take something to drink-be it in a glass or right from the can/bottle-I NEVER finish it. I don't just leave half a glass or take one sip; no I do something much more odd. I leave just one little sipful and I can't explain why! I love how funny he thinks it is and I honestly do it without even realizing it or knowing why I do it. I took a picture of it for him and it really is quite funny when you see it.

He will come home to find glasses like this all the time. Or, several pop cans on the counter or in the fridge with the same problem. You should see him smile over it :)

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