Sunday, February 15, 2009

Don't be jealous :)

I life must seem like a luxury. Why, you ask? Well I can think of two reasons....first, this is where I spent my Valentine's day. (albeit alone with Barb, the other engineer wife)

That's the pool if you can't tell :) I actually took this from the window in our room. The weather was HOT but beautiful and we sat poolside for a good chunk of the afternoon and worked on our tans. Very refreshing and relaxing...and I have a healthy looking glow right now:)

Well, I did say TWO reasons why my life might be luxurious. The second is out of this world to me. We were leaving for dinner yesterday (we walk everywhere) and upon our exit we see that the sidewalks and part of the walkway to our hotel are being blocked off by movable metal fencing and armed guards!! The guards immediately ask us to move through as around the corner comes this huge bus. This is when we notice the crowds all over the streets; people all of a sudden gathered in front of our hotel! The bus happened to carry a soccer team! We don't know which one or anything but it just shows how big this sport is here. I mean, people had cameras and autograph books and were screaming at these guys as they came off the bus. Seemed right out of hollywood. In the meantime we are in the middle of all of this and can only laugh. We don't get it :) So, we are staying in the same hotel as some big time famous soccer team. Things should be interesting. When we came back from dinner there were still people camped out in front of the 3 deep and the armed guards are at the driveway; we showed our room key so they would let us through! I told Barb that if the people are still there today that we are going to get all fancied up and put on our big oversized sunglasses and go down there to sign autographs and take pictures acting like U.S. celebrities; these people would probably believe us :) Oh, the adventures and memories I will take from this trip!

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