Sunday, February 8, 2009

Buenos Dias!

Well, we are here safe and sound...and still feeling jet lag! It's almost 1:00 pm here so if you're in Michigan it's only about 10 and Wisconsin that means you are at about 9:00. How confusing! We started off on Thursday morning and by 6:00 our time here Friday we were at our hotel. All in all it was over 30 hours since we left our house. What a long day; I really can't wait to come home again but it makes me sick to think about it too because I have to do all that travelling all over again! We flew TEN hours from Houston; Brad slept on the plane but I had a harder time and arrived in Buenos Aires only to get on a bus to drive another five hours back in the direction we came in (don't even get me started on that!) and finally reached Rosario. It's an interesting city...we are slowly learning lots of interesting things about our current country. One of the most surprising is that NOBODY speaks English. It's so frustrating for us; I don't know why I was naive enough to think more people would speak it but they don't. So far we haven't run into any major problems because most people here are SO NICE about it!! Once they realize we don't understand they try so hard to help us and we have been able to figure everything out so far. I have a high school level of Spanish and it isn't that great but it still helps. I really wish I would have taken it more serioulsy back then :) The second thing we have to get used to is how people eat around here. We met up with one of Brad's co workers for dinner last night and didn't leave the hotel until 9:00...and the restaurant was only getting busy when we left at midnight! The co worker explained to us that things really don't get underway until about 2 am!! So, we sleep a lot during the day since our clocks are on haywire right now! We have ventured the neighborhood on our own a bit...not much to write home about but it's still interesting and new. We found a supermarket and were able to buy some snacks for the room and some other things. Know that we are doing well, getting homesick but overall happy and loving being together. Hope all is well with you...will try to write often about our current status and any news. Continue to keep us in prayer as we do you...Hasta Luego!

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