Friday, February 27, 2009

What a memory!

So, I must confess; and I can't wait to make a real confession to have this off of me-I haven't been going to church as I usually do. There are many reasons but to keep from sounding like excuses I won't bother you with them. However, it was really bothering me body and soul that I might not make it to Ash Wednesday services. So, that morning I woke up and took a chance; I got ready and started my walk. I counted on the way back 17 blocks one way! I had stumbled upon this Basillica my second week here and it is within a 1/2 hour walk from our hotel. I prayed the entire way there on Wednesday and thought if nothing else I had spent some good quality time with God and made an effort:) But as I approached my heart literally soared at the sight of the doors open and people gathering! I had made it just in time for mass! To my surprise it was quite crowded for a midday-11:30-Mass. I didn't understand anything that was being said but I still felt it in my heart. It was by far the most amazing and moving Ash Wednesday services I have ever attended. It proves that love has no language; that God speaks to us all the same. And, when I was finally able to receive communion after a few weeks of not I felt so peaceful. I am so glad that I took that journey that morning...even if my feet did take a beating for it. These are some pictures of the church...if you don't have facebook:

Basillica de Nuestro Senora del Rosario....Basillica of Our Lady of The Rosary

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