Monday, February 23, 2009

Things I miss...

Hope I didn't lead you to think I was getting all mushy in this post! But, Brad asked me over dinner last night (which included a very odd desire for the mashed potatoes...which I indulged; not fabulous but alright) what I look forward to eating the most once we get back home. Oh boy, did he open it up with that one! I can't seem to stop thinking of it so I thought I would share my list with you so as to illustrate even more differences I am living with right now. As soon as we are on U.S. soil I can't wait to get my hands on:

more of my junk food favorites...particularly popcorn and pretzels. I haven't been able to fine either one here!

Some good chocolate chip favorite way to eat them. We have a breakfast here at the hotel but that has gotten old very fast. How much fruit,cereal, eggs and sausage can you eat before you need to switch?!!

Taco Bell! (It's my fast food pleasure) or Mexican food in general. Contrary to what you may think, Mexican food is virtually non existent here. At least we haven't found any yet.
*side note to this we also can't wait to get spice back. All of the guys Brad works with complain that NOTHING is hot enough here. In fact the hottest hot sauce you can buy is MILD! Crazy. I don't mind; I think the food tastes great in terms of flavor and spice but sometimes is does indeed lack! I did have this one GREAT pasta dish the other day though that had a kick to it...even though I am the only one who thought so:(**

Seafood Restaurants! I love me some good underwater life and while I have had some ok calimari I want the good stuff from back home. I have some fish filets in the freezer at home that I can't wait to bake up...good thing Lent is upon us :) The restaurants do usually have three or four 'seafood' options but they focus more on the meat instead.

Chinese food especially our rice and stir fry's that we love so much...although one thing I am sure I will miss is the very yummy vegetables I have had here :(

You see when you don't have things all the time you do start to miss them. I would give anything for a good cheeseburger at home right now or even some Brocolli loaf. Just cooking for myself in general I look forward to. I guess I have the first two weeks of dinner planned for us when we get home ! I still can't stop thinking about food! I am sure I will be making LOTS of food so don't hesitate to invite yourself to dinner!

*yes, I don't have the healthiest food desires...I know this...I know this is the reason for the way I look....judging isn't nice:) have I made you hungry too???

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