Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm getting good at this!

Well I never imagined that I would be one to stand on the curb, raise my hand and make my way around town in a cab. But, recently I have gotten used to it! I've only been in a cab a few times but I can now hail one and get to and from places all by myself (ie without the aide of a local...I won't take one when I am on my own for some reason). Even Brad is amazed by what I am able to do. Even with my little bit of Spanish (which has improved over that last four weeks!) I can manage...although I try and make sure I have the hotel business card in my purse just in case they can't understand me ;) So, I am dumbfounded with my new 'talent' but being in a car is still something I don't want to do too often here! It seems that you need only two things to be able to drive in this country: a horn and no fear...and if you always believe that you are never wrong-thats a huge plus! I swear, it is crazy here. If there wasn't a door on my side of the car I can reach out and grab fenders of oncoming cars at the intersections. There are no lights, no stop signs...we don't know how they know who is stopping or not. It's crazy...I can't wait to get back home hopefully I will be able to remember how to drive myself around!

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