Monday, March 30, 2009

I love the kitchen

It's been proven that I do some of my best work in the kitchen. Since being married-for the short times we've spent at home at least-I have done lots of experimenting with cooking and baking and am proud to say I am quite good! It's safe to say that Brad won't ever starve; he loves all the things I try. And, he is good at telling me what could be changed or how often it is worth cooking certain things. My favorite thing is baking though and we all know how he feels about sweets :( So, I save those things for when we are having company or going to visit my family or something so I don't have to eat a whole tray of brownies myself. I made the cutest little confections this past weekend for my niece's birthday and can't wait to experiment with other ideas along the same line. Granted they are a lot of work but I am patient and see it through to the end. So, if I start posting a lot about my food don't mind me. I tell Brad that this is my job now and I am as entitled as any 9-5er to take pride in it. And, if anyone should ever want a recipe or tip don't hesitate! Now for a visual library of my best efforts yet. Yes, I take pictures when something comes out good-think of it as my portfolio/cookbook :) And, sorry in advance if I make you hungry. And, yes it is perfectly fine if while you look at these you think to yourself "that Brad is one lucky guy. How did he get so lucky?" ha ha :)
The cupcake bites I made for the birthday. Aren't they cute? They are kind of like a truffle and very delicious.

These are chicken crescent pockets and also very delish. They taste great as leftovers too. A very simple semi homemade recipe if you will. I even made the sauce on top. The rest isn't too exciting though just canned green beans and white rice I added mushrooms to.

Taco stuffed shells! Abso-freaking-lutely amazing!!! We both loved these and again they tasted great as leftovers for lunch the next day. Yes, a cross of mexican AND pasta; a great combination.

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