Friday, March 6, 2009

We should be flying home tonight...

But we're not :( Brad or rather his robots had a less than stellar week and we found out on Wednesday that we would not be leaving this weekend. Trust me when I say I did not take the news well! We had already gotten our bags ready for our departure and everything. I may go crazy before Wednesday gets here; thats our new exit day which is better than next Friday as they originally planned. Not much left to do here and being on my own now isn't as easy as it has been. The weather is still nice but a bit cooler some days and I don't feel like sitting around in my bathing suit very much anymore. I've seen all the shops and don't want to buy anything. This really disappoints us both...we wanted to come home with lots of treasures from our trip but we haven't seen anything worthy enough that doesn't look like something we could have bought at home. So, because I really needed to feel useful and productive I washed some clothes today!!! All together now: 'Wow, way to go!' I am a direct descendent of the worlds most economical and effecient traveller and I call her mom. If you don't believe me just ask the Kleusch girls; my mom has mad skills when it comes to being away from home. Way back before I left she found me travel detergents...these cute little packets that are the exact amount you need to wash clothes in the sink! I never even knew these existed and she bought me enough that I could travel for the next two months or so and be good on clean clothes. Of course, our sink doesn't have a stopper but I just triple the detergent and wash it all in the tub. I'm not proud; I am not about to have the hotel clean my clothes for $10 per pair of shorts !!! nor do I really feel comfortable dropping them off with Juan whom I can't communicate with and hope to have my delicately decorated silks and satins back later (nor do I enjoy the idea of some stranger handling my unmentionables!) I haven't done a ton of laundry but our socks and skivvies have been through several times as well as Brads shirts...most of my clothes I wear more than once anyway. That and I packed a TON of clothes; I don't know what I was thinking. I never would have thought I would be bored enough or crazy enough to hand wash clothes to keep active. Gosh I can't wait to get home and get a LIFE! So, for a few more days I'll be enjoying Argentina....don't miss us too much and don't despair-we'll be home soon! (and don't worry...EVERY article of clothing from this trip will go through the good old washing machine as soon as we get home!)

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