Monday, March 30, 2009

Another pride and joy.

So last weekend at my birthday party one of Brad's friends was talking to me about all that was new with us and how married life has been. I filled him in on what we had been up to and all our new endeavors and this said friend smiled and said Brad was spoiling me. I'm not spoiled, Brad just treats me right :) I have learned to love coming home simply because that is usually when Brad buys us something new. When we returned from 4 weeks in Indiana after Christmas he bought me a high tech elliptical so I can work out at home. Then after our return from Argentina we got my favorite thing of all:

yes, that is in MY dining room and the inside lights up and everything. Of course, there is more to go into all those spaces but I am still so elated. It holds all of our precious wedding gifts and our keepsakes from our special day already. He made me so happy and we really enjoyed picking it out together and going from store to store looking for the right one.

Now, if you aren't convinced that I'm not spoiled just look what happened when we were working in the yard and I simply said I didn't like that bush. Here is the response to that:

No more bush! Yes, we are adjusting to married life well and are only having fun working on our home together. :)

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