Saturday, May 30, 2009

The baby doesn't like milkshakes :(

Well, I guess I didn't knock on enough wood last time. We have progressed into a bit more than just feeling sick :( I felt so much better after the fact though so that was nice! Instead of 'morning' sickness I have more evening sickness; it starts getting worse around dinner time and lasts until bed most days.I had made a chicken pot pie for dinner (I make a killer one!) and by the time it was out of the oven and Brad set the table and served it up and I walked into the dining room, I wanted nothing to do with it. So, he insisted I eat something and offered to get fast food even-something I hadn't had in a while. I always want McDonald's when I'm sick so I asked for that plus a milkshake. It was so good and I sat and took my time to eat and even left a bunch of it and actually felt full for the first time in FOREVER. But, it didn't last long sadly. Brad was excellent in my time of need (he came RUNNING) even though I wanted him to be anywhere but watching me ;) He got me ice water and put a cold washcloth on my forehead then on my neck...what a sweetie. I have found two things though that the baby does like and I feel better after eating: rice krispies with milk (surprisingly milk doesn't bother me in this instance) and Lunchables of all things. My stomach settles so much after eating a cheese and meat topped cracker. So, for the next few weeks I think I will stick to eating breakfast and lunch foods whenever I feel like it!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We've killed a rabbit :)

Well, if you haven't heard by now (you must be deaf!) Brad and I are having a baby. I have been putting off posting anything about it on here for weird personal reasons. We've told everyone but putting it in writing just scares me for some reason. Anyways, it's out there now! I am doing fine, Brad is doing fine and based on what everyone tells me about the sicker I feel the better the baby is, the baby is FANTASTIC! I am very queasy all day every day...some days I get a break for a few hours and I am grateful. I am not throwing up and am knocking on every type of wood when I say that. I get tired easier so I sleep alot but I try to stay active too. I get out for walks when I feel up to it and I make myself take care of something at the house everyday. I have already seen the doctor, the day after the home test actually, and everything was right on target then. I am reading all my books and eating good and Brad helps remind me everyday to take the vitamins. As far as we know I am 7 weeks now and due January 14. I never thought we would get it on the first try and was shocked when I saw that little plus sign. I kept telling myself that the second line wouldn't appear; even up to the point of taking the test and the strip turning pink! I was not optimistic! Boy, am I happy I was wrong. So, the pictures below are quite obvious...the one of me I took myself and sucked my fat gut in so you could get an idea of what was or wan't there yet :) that was taken two days after we found out so at four weeks. I have another doctors appointment next week and hopefully all will go well for that too. Please continue to pray that everyone stays healthy and things continue to go well. We are very excited and so excited to share this special time in our lives with everyone.
(Hope the pics don't freak anyone out or seem gross...doing them mainly so Brad's family can stay in the loop too since we won't see them as much during the I apologize if I offend anyone else!)

Our Hero.

This past weekend was one full of celebrations for our family. We chose Memorial Day weekend as the perfect time to have our going away celebrations for my brother, Larry. You see, on May 31 he will be shipping out for Kuwait. He has been in the Navy reserves for 3 years now and his time is now to serve his country overseas. He will first go to Virginia for training for several weeks but we aren't able to know his exact date of departure from there so we have to say our good byes at the airport next weekend. He also went and got engaged a few weeks ago and is planning to marry when he returns next summer so there is a lot going on with him. Please keep him in your prayers until he returns home safely to all of us sometime next spring. We were able to host a going away party for him and had a special blessing for him at church in which the entire congregation participated over the weekend. I've never been prouder of my baby brother!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

We're still here!

So, more than one person has mentioned to me the fact that the blog hasn't been updated. Well, we've been busy and I've let myself be lazy :P So, you probably already know that a LOT has been going on at our home..but give me a while before I post on that. There is more than that going on right now. For instance we have been living in our guest room for almost two weeks now and our house is a bit cluttered. But, for good reason...we've finally changed our bedroom. Now, our bedding matches the rest of the room. We picked out paint and Brad got to work and it looks so much better. Plus, we both love it. The last piece we need is to make our valances and that project will be closed. Next, Brad plans to replace our railings on our stairs to be safer and then we will begin on transforming/updating our 'guest' room ;) I didn't take any pictures before the painting started but this is the best I could do:
The blue on the trim piece is what ALL the walls and trims used to be...the wall is with the first coat of the new color.
And this is what is looks like with the walls and the trim done!!