Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Hero.

This past weekend was one full of celebrations for our family. We chose Memorial Day weekend as the perfect time to have our going away celebrations for my brother, Larry. You see, on May 31 he will be shipping out for Kuwait. He has been in the Navy reserves for 3 years now and his time is now to serve his country overseas. He will first go to Virginia for training for several weeks but we aren't able to know his exact date of departure from there so we have to say our good byes at the airport next weekend. He also went and got engaged a few weeks ago and is planning to marry when he returns next summer so there is a lot going on with him. Please keep him in your prayers until he returns home safely to all of us sometime next spring. We were able to host a going away party for him and had a special blessing for him at church in which the entire congregation participated over the weekend. I've never been prouder of my baby brother!

1 comment:

  1. Please don't forget to teach our hero how to do a blog! We'll all sleep a little better at night knowing that he is okay. Please also include a "countdown" of when he is coming home! We are all so PROUD of Larry for serving our country!
