Saturday, May 16, 2009

We're still here!

So, more than one person has mentioned to me the fact that the blog hasn't been updated. Well, we've been busy and I've let myself be lazy :P So, you probably already know that a LOT has been going on at our home..but give me a while before I post on that. There is more than that going on right now. For instance we have been living in our guest room for almost two weeks now and our house is a bit cluttered. But, for good reason...we've finally changed our bedroom. Now, our bedding matches the rest of the room. We picked out paint and Brad got to work and it looks so much better. Plus, we both love it. The last piece we need is to make our valances and that project will be closed. Next, Brad plans to replace our railings on our stairs to be safer and then we will begin on transforming/updating our 'guest' room ;) I didn't take any pictures before the painting started but this is the best I could do:
The blue on the trim piece is what ALL the walls and trims used to be...the wall is with the first coat of the new color.
And this is what is looks like with the walls and the trim done!!

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