Saturday, May 30, 2009

The baby doesn't like milkshakes :(

Well, I guess I didn't knock on enough wood last time. We have progressed into a bit more than just feeling sick :( I felt so much better after the fact though so that was nice! Instead of 'morning' sickness I have more evening sickness; it starts getting worse around dinner time and lasts until bed most days.I had made a chicken pot pie for dinner (I make a killer one!) and by the time it was out of the oven and Brad set the table and served it up and I walked into the dining room, I wanted nothing to do with it. So, he insisted I eat something and offered to get fast food even-something I hadn't had in a while. I always want McDonald's when I'm sick so I asked for that plus a milkshake. It was so good and I sat and took my time to eat and even left a bunch of it and actually felt full for the first time in FOREVER. But, it didn't last long sadly. Brad was excellent in my time of need (he came RUNNING) even though I wanted him to be anywhere but watching me ;) He got me ice water and put a cold washcloth on my forehead then on my neck...what a sweetie. I have found two things though that the baby does like and I feel better after eating: rice krispies with milk (surprisingly milk doesn't bother me in this instance) and Lunchables of all things. My stomach settles so much after eating a cheese and meat topped cracker. So, for the next few weeks I think I will stick to eating breakfast and lunch foods whenever I feel like it!

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