Tuesday, June 30, 2009

12 Weeks today!

I made it! I think I breathed a big sigh of relief today. They say it only gets better from here. I only hope that I start to feel better soon. The last few days, especially yesterday have been tough on me with the nausea popping up again. It also doesn't help that my allergies are killing me and I can't really take good meds to combat them. But, my wonderful hubby thought of some things to help cut down on the allergens in the house and put them in place yesterday :) Nothing much new yet although I do have a dr. appointment this week. It's my first time seeing him since I was confirmed pregnant so I am looking forward to having him check out the progress and hopefully get a good report back! We have made some small changes at the house lately.

This is what our 'office' looks like now:
This is our 'new office'...that's the basement if you can't tell

And, this is the nursery...just waiting for us to get to work!

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