Thursday, July 2, 2009

12 Week Appointment

Well, I would say this was the most 'un-fun' appointment but we did get to hear the heartbeat :) The nurse did it before the doctor came in and she told me not to worry if she couldn't find it; we would try again with the doctor. As I laid back I closed my eyes and kept saying to myself: 'God, Please let me hear it' over and over again. She tried on the left side of my belly and got nothing. Then she moved it to the right side and almost immediately said 'there is is!'. It was quiet but we could make it out just fine. Brad stayed in the chair on the other side of the room and I couldn't even see him so when I started crying (of course!) my stomach started to shake and she had to relocate the heartbeat again :) When I sat up Brad was very excited and had a big smile on his face. We were both very happy to have heard it. The doctor came in and talked to me and gave me some advice for the nausea and headaches that I've been having. Then, of course I had some fun female tests done and he checked my pelvis out. I would like to thank my BFF, Amy who once told me in High School to thank God for my 'child bearing hips'. My doctor told me she was right, my pelvis is a great size in terms of delivering the baby. Very good news since these don't really run in my family and C-sections do :) I also found out I lost some weight. Last time I had only gained one pound but this time I was down less than before I got pregnant. I have lost almost four pounds but they told me I'm fine and it's normal. So, for now we are doing excellent and I go back in four weeks for the next round of fun. As for anyone who may want pictures of the baby we have to wait for Labor day...we won't go in for it until at least then. I don't know how I will wait!

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