Tuesday, July 14, 2009

All shook up.

If you've seen my facebook status today you know that I've had a horrible day. This morning while driving Brad to the plant here in Indiana we were in a car accident. I had gotten off the freeway and was at a dead stop at a yield sign and we were rear ended. I mean hit hard. I can still here the noise and see everything flying forward in our car. We are ALL ok! We pulled over and the other guy felt horrible and once he found out I was pregnant he was besides himself. The crazy thing is that he is from Detroit and was going to the same plant Brad was. By the time the police got there to make the report I was having different pains and when the cop came to talk to me I basically broke down crying...again. And, Brad and I decided we would both feel better if we had a medic come by and 'check me out'. I was picturing them feeling my back and my stomach and then me driving myself to the ER for a check on the baby. But, NOOOOO. They came with sirens and lights and the fire department and the ambulance took care of me. They talked to me at first and then explained to me what would happen. Before I knew it the back and neck pains I was complaining about were being taken care of by a neck brace and being strapped to one of those back boards and being loaded into the ambulance. Being on that straight board made the pressure in my abdomen worse and I started to cramp a bit so I of course panicked. But, they took care of me especially when Brad wasn't allowed to accompany me :( That didn't stop him though! I thought he would stay and finish up with the accident but it turns out as soon as I got in the ambulance and we headed off he got in the car and left the accident.! The officer came to the hospital later to give me back my license and registration and joked with Brad about leaving the scene; of course he was joking and everyone at the scene completely understood. So, I was now in the ER and they were doing it all. I had an IV and a BP cuff and the heart monitor on my finger-the whole shebang.Plus, they did bloodwork and even did a quick catheder to get a sample of that. The one GOOD thing about all this today was we were able to see our baby! We had our first ultrasound today! They took the baby's heartrate soon after we got there and it was hard to find which of course worried me. But, the nurse said she found it, I didn't hear but Brad did but the baby moved and they couldn't find it again. The ER doc also tried to do an ultrasound with their portable machine but that of course was crap and I couldn't even see anything but Brad saw the beating heart and made me feel better. So, she sent me for the real deal and even though I had a neckbrace on and was hard for me to turn I was able to see some pictures. Absolutely everything was perfect. Nothing seemed out of place and the baby had a heartrate of 132 which is great! (at the doctor two weeks ago it was 152 so they were happy with it today) We of course got a few printouts of our very tiny little one and as soon as I can scan them they will be on display. Then, mommy had to go for a pelvic exam and they were finally able to take the neckbrace off and a nurse helped me to the bathroom. Nothing was leaking, no blood anywhere and my uterus is still closed-all good things. After which they all asked if the walking felt better; they expected it to. But, unfortunately it didn't but made my back feel worse and even the top of my butt. So, the doctor was alarmed again and talked to me about taking back X-Rays. When they took the neck ones I was fine because the machines wouldn't be pointed at my belly and they actually put me in TWO lead aprons. But, for the back there wouldn't be the same precautions. After the ER doc talked to the OB on duty and then talked to me we talked to my doctor's office back home and decided that we would do the X-Rays. We wanted to be sure that nothing was slipped or fractured in my back which is already curving to my growing uterus and therefore a bit more susceptible to damage. The X-rays also came back fine and they FINALLY released me. They told me to take it easy and take Tylenol when I need it and follow up with my doctor next week. Surprisingly Brad feels fine and stayed with me all day today :) He is taking such good care of us. And, everyone from work has called today too. All the guys on the way to work at the factory called because they saw us as they passed. Then, before long Brad's boss and his director called to check on all of us! My mom left work early today to come and be with us and is here now. She will stay with us for a few days until I can get in the car and travel again and take me home this weekend. Just say some prayers and again I will post baby pics as soon as I can but in the meantime here are some other pictures to feast your eyes on...

Yes, my friends you can indeed now see the street THROUGH my bumper/trunk!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, we are so glad that you and Baby Bear are okay! Holy cow! How scary! It sounds like Daddy and Grandma are taking GREAT care of you! Come home soon!

    Rob & Amy
