Thursday, July 9, 2009

Travelin Man

That's my husband! We are back in Lafayette, IN. once again. Go back to the first few posts of my blog...that's where we are. I decided to join Brad for at least a portion of this trip and we hope I can get home at some point before the end of the month :) A good thing (I suppose) about this trip is that I have discovered that 2 hours is the maximum amount of time I can spend in a car before having to get out, stretch, eat, go potty etc. Whew! What a trip...everything is so different now! My poor little piggies were a little puffy by the time we got here. It took us about 7 hours when it used to take us about 5 because of the stops and rest times. But, Brad was a trooper about it and we made it here before dinner even. I made it and was only a little sore, in the lower back, at the end of it all. I am growing quite nicely. I swear we hit twelve weeks and went into a growth spurt. I do look pregnant at least a little now :) Plus, I get lots of little aches, pains and twinges in my abdominal muscles every now and then body just has to figure out what is going on I guess! And, the baby is still eating my brain. You should have seen me packing trying to be sure that I didn't forget anything! Lately I forget words in the middle of sentences, I lose train of thought really easily, I write everything down so I don't forget it and I have almost walked out of the house (like one foot out the door) TWICE now barefoot. Sheesh, I thought I wouldn't lose my mind till after the kids were around for a while! That and I am still very emotional. I cry so easily without being pregnant and I HATE that but now it is just worse. I am going to have to stop listening to the radio while I drive soon. I have been know to cry through many a song lately..the culprits are all country too. Darius Rucker, Tracy Lawrence and even Carrie Underwood have me in hysterics by the end of the first line ;) Then of course there is the lovely display I put on while behind the wheel when a patriotic tune from Toby Ketih came on the other day. Oh, and don't get me started about the morning I watched "Pollyanna" on TV...what a mess! I never thought I could be more emotional than I already was. Other than that things are still going good. And, for now pray for us while we are away from home and that Brad's project is successful and ends on time.

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