Monday, August 24, 2009

We're halfway there!!!

As of tomorrow I am at 20 weeks which means I have 20 more weeks to go! I have discovered just how impatient I am through this process of growing a human being. I don't think I was as antsy waiting a year until the wedding as I am going to be the nine months of waiting for the baby. Everyday I wish I could hold our baby in my arms. I had my ultrasound on Friday and baby bear is doing great! We are the right size and everything is in the right place and looks normal. Daddy couldn't be with us because of work so my mom actually got to tag along. She was so excited because it would be the first time she went to an ultrasound for one of her grandchildren. I was able to see and make out so much with the help of the tech and the heartbeat is great and it moves alot and even had the hiccups during the ultrasound :) We also found out why I am not feeling kicks yet...which is also the reason why it will be much longer until Brad will feel the baby. The placenta is right at the front of my acts as a buffer between me and the baby. Almost as if you put a pillow on your lap then tried to poke yourself through wouldn't feel much. But, this is normal and it isn't a complication and it is perfectly fine where it is. You can kind of see it in this picture...Brad says it looks like it is crushing the baby's head but it's fine. Yes, we are having an alien...the baby is looking straight at you at this angle. this one you can see the eyesockets and the nasal cavity and jawline which makes the baby look a bit off :)

And in this one you can make out a bit of the jaw, some of the spine down at the bottom and a arm and a leg.

Mommy has a good size baby bump now and keeps thinking about how much bigger she is going to get :) I don't sleep through the night anymore and have lost the ability to use the muscles in my abdomen to help me get out of sitting or laying positions very easily already. I am doing great though and Brad takes very good care of me!

Thank you, grandma and grandpa came just today and we already have it put together!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A week of celebration :)

This past week has been a fun one for us! We spent last Sunday celebrating our Abby's 3rd birthday with the extended family. I made the cake for this celebration and it was so much fun to watch Abby open gifts especially now that she talks so well.

Then, her actual birthday was a few days later and I spent the afternoon helping my sister with the birthday 'playdate'. She hosted all of Abby's little friends for lunch and swimming; boy, what a looooong day! I now know what to look forward to when hosting little kids for ANYTHING :) That night we joined all the grandparents, Melissa, Dave and the girls celebrating at Chuck E Cheese. How a three year old knows thats where you go for your birthday is beyond me but that is what she wanted. The adults were VERY lucky though and Brad and I kept hitting jackpots and won a TON of tickets so the girls got great prizes to take home.

Abby's birthday also holds something very special to celebrate for us. This marks the 'anniversary' of our first date. :) I can't believe it's only been two years. Neither one of us can think back two years and imagine that this is where we would be today. I was just a young, single, professional going on a date and wondering if he would be Mr. Right. Now, two years later I am married to that date and waiting for our baby.

Chuck E Cheese's wasn't the only place I hit the jackpot this week. I told Brad to take me to the casino or let me buy a lottery ticket I am so lucky! I got a call right before I left for my appointment on Friday that I had won tickets to the Kenny Chesney concert the next night. I had been entering a contest every day all week through Channel 4 news and I won on Friday morning. I love me some Kenny Chesney (or as I like to call him 'my boyfriend') and took my mom since Brad told me he thought 'I would have more fun if someone other than him went'. We had great seats for free tickets and I had a blast.

I do have new pictures of our baby bear and will be uploading those as soon as I have some more free time. The summer started out so slow and it will be ending jam packed full of things to do!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We have movement!

*I think* :) I have had the 'bubbles' and 'rumblings' other moms have told me about for a little over a week now. I wasn't sure at first if that was the baby but I want it to be so bad. I really started to believe it was the baby on our first night of vacation. We arrived to the cottage, settled in, did some exploring, ate dinner and I laid down on the couch to watch some TV. I laid my head in Brad's lap, laying on my left side and all of a sudden I felt two large 'bubbles' popping in a row on the left side of my tummy. It was unmistakingly someone telling me that they were there too! I usually get the feeling when I am laying on my back too much-thus causing me to move-or after I eat dinner. I don't get it everyday and it surely isn't a punch or kick or anything that obvious. I can't wait for that and neither can Brad. He enjoys when I tell him that I feel something but he is as anxious as I am to feel something big...we are both waiting patiently for it.
We also have Godparents! We were able to finally connect with Brad's sister and Aunt Nicole was very excited to accept our inviation to be the Godmother. Uncle David, my brother in law, is also thrilled to finally be a Godparent. He will be an uncle for the first time and now a first time Godfather too. Now, mommy and daddy just need to talk to church about what we need to do for the baptism.
Another thing we have is furniture! We chose and brought home our crib before vacation and that is assembled. We also ordered a dressing table/dresser that came in the day before we left and we picked it up once we were back in town. Much to Brad's enjoyment it actually came assembled and that is in the nursery too. I would take pictures but the room is a wreck! All the boxes and packing material from the furniture take up most of the room with the furniture shoved in a corner. But, as soon as we start organizing the nursery I will take pictures.
One more thing...we have a registry! I actually put it together at Babies 'R Us a while back so we would be ready since I knew the end of the summer would be crazy for us. Now, I can't wait to get it all and feel a little more ready for baby bear!

Monday, August 10, 2009

A little R & R

We are back to everyday life today...or at least we are trying to be! We just got back from our trip up North...we spent 7 whole days renting a cottage in Houghton Lake. It was soooo nice. We spent the first 4 days alone together and then the night of the 4th day my family came to join us for the remainder of the trip. Overall we had great weather and of the two days it rained Brad and I spent one day taking rides all around the area and seeing what we could find and then the other day it rained we all packed in the car and drove to Mackinaw City where it wasn't raining. All in all a fun time was had by all! We BBQ'ed dinner every night...I swear we had enough food to feed five families sometimes! We played on the beach, Brad and I went to Higgins' lake for the day and got a fishing boat, we rented a pontoon one day for everyone to enjoy, fishing, fishing and more fishing :) and we even played a few rounds of mini golf. Don't ask Brad how that went, I think I finally got his head shrunk back down to normal size :) But, I did return the favor by kicking his butt in our card games! For all the fishing we did though we only caught a few but it was fun. Now, we are back to this HOT weather and can't wait for our next vacation!