Sunday, August 23, 2009

A week of celebration :)

This past week has been a fun one for us! We spent last Sunday celebrating our Abby's 3rd birthday with the extended family. I made the cake for this celebration and it was so much fun to watch Abby open gifts especially now that she talks so well.

Then, her actual birthday was a few days later and I spent the afternoon helping my sister with the birthday 'playdate'. She hosted all of Abby's little friends for lunch and swimming; boy, what a looooong day! I now know what to look forward to when hosting little kids for ANYTHING :) That night we joined all the grandparents, Melissa, Dave and the girls celebrating at Chuck E Cheese. How a three year old knows thats where you go for your birthday is beyond me but that is what she wanted. The adults were VERY lucky though and Brad and I kept hitting jackpots and won a TON of tickets so the girls got great prizes to take home.

Abby's birthday also holds something very special to celebrate for us. This marks the 'anniversary' of our first date. :) I can't believe it's only been two years. Neither one of us can think back two years and imagine that this is where we would be today. I was just a young, single, professional going on a date and wondering if he would be Mr. Right. Now, two years later I am married to that date and waiting for our baby.

Chuck E Cheese's wasn't the only place I hit the jackpot this week. I told Brad to take me to the casino or let me buy a lottery ticket I am so lucky! I got a call right before I left for my appointment on Friday that I had won tickets to the Kenny Chesney concert the next night. I had been entering a contest every day all week through Channel 4 news and I won on Friday morning. I love me some Kenny Chesney (or as I like to call him 'my boyfriend') and took my mom since Brad told me he thought 'I would have more fun if someone other than him went'. We had great seats for free tickets and I had a blast.

I do have new pictures of our baby bear and will be uploading those as soon as I have some more free time. The summer started out so slow and it will be ending jam packed full of things to do!

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