Monday, August 24, 2009

We're halfway there!!!

As of tomorrow I am at 20 weeks which means I have 20 more weeks to go! I have discovered just how impatient I am through this process of growing a human being. I don't think I was as antsy waiting a year until the wedding as I am going to be the nine months of waiting for the baby. Everyday I wish I could hold our baby in my arms. I had my ultrasound on Friday and baby bear is doing great! We are the right size and everything is in the right place and looks normal. Daddy couldn't be with us because of work so my mom actually got to tag along. She was so excited because it would be the first time she went to an ultrasound for one of her grandchildren. I was able to see and make out so much with the help of the tech and the heartbeat is great and it moves alot and even had the hiccups during the ultrasound :) We also found out why I am not feeling kicks yet...which is also the reason why it will be much longer until Brad will feel the baby. The placenta is right at the front of my acts as a buffer between me and the baby. Almost as if you put a pillow on your lap then tried to poke yourself through wouldn't feel much. But, this is normal and it isn't a complication and it is perfectly fine where it is. You can kind of see it in this picture...Brad says it looks like it is crushing the baby's head but it's fine. Yes, we are having an alien...the baby is looking straight at you at this angle. this one you can see the eyesockets and the nasal cavity and jawline which makes the baby look a bit off :)

And in this one you can make out a bit of the jaw, some of the spine down at the bottom and a arm and a leg.

Mommy has a good size baby bump now and keeps thinking about how much bigger she is going to get :) I don't sleep through the night anymore and have lost the ability to use the muscles in my abdomen to help me get out of sitting or laying positions very easily already. I am doing great though and Brad takes very good care of me!

Thank you, grandma and grandpa came just today and we already have it put together!

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