Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We have movement!

*I think* :) I have had the 'bubbles' and 'rumblings' other moms have told me about for a little over a week now. I wasn't sure at first if that was the baby but I want it to be so bad. I really started to believe it was the baby on our first night of vacation. We arrived to the cottage, settled in, did some exploring, ate dinner and I laid down on the couch to watch some TV. I laid my head in Brad's lap, laying on my left side and all of a sudden I felt two large 'bubbles' popping in a row on the left side of my tummy. It was unmistakingly someone telling me that they were there too! I usually get the feeling when I am laying on my back too much-thus causing me to move-or after I eat dinner. I don't get it everyday and it surely isn't a punch or kick or anything that obvious. I can't wait for that and neither can Brad. He enjoys when I tell him that I feel something but he is as anxious as I am to feel something big...we are both waiting patiently for it.
We also have Godparents! We were able to finally connect with Brad's sister and Aunt Nicole was very excited to accept our inviation to be the Godmother. Uncle David, my brother in law, is also thrilled to finally be a Godparent. He will be an uncle for the first time and now a first time Godfather too. Now, mommy and daddy just need to talk to church about what we need to do for the baptism.
Another thing we have is furniture! We chose and brought home our crib before vacation and that is assembled. We also ordered a dressing table/dresser that came in the day before we left and we picked it up once we were back in town. Much to Brad's enjoyment it actually came assembled and that is in the nursery too. I would take pictures but the room is a wreck! All the boxes and packing material from the furniture take up most of the room with the furniture shoved in a corner. But, as soon as we start organizing the nursery I will take pictures.
One more thing...we have a registry! I actually put it together at Babies 'R Us a while back so we would be ready since I knew the end of the summer would be crazy for us. Now, I can't wait to get it all and feel a little more ready for baby bear!

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