Monday, February 22, 2010

Borek, party of 3...we're ready for you now.

Our table is ready. Our number has been called. It's our turn. Brad found out last week he would be travelling to Ohio for work :( He was supposed to be here at the end of December but when I started going in and out of the hospital with false labor he arranged with his boss to have someone take his place. So, we are so grateful he was here for Caroline's arrival and those first three weeks but it's still a hard pill to swallow. Even though we knew to expect this it's still hard and it still sucks! He left for Ohio last Wednesday and I left for Grosse Pointe to stay with my family until we could be together again. We had obligations for the weekend that I stayed behind to take care of. But, this morning Brad, I and our little one ventured down to Ohio and plan on being here until the end of the week. Caroline has so far been a decent traveller. She fussed a bit after being in her seat for too long but we were able to fend off any major screaming fits :) The picture below shows how much she is enjoying living in a hotel so far...

In other news Caroline hit the one month mark yesterday!!! I can't believe it and yes, it is hard to remember the time before her now :) She seems so much bigger and different already but it must just be me. Everyone else still thinks she looks the same and is still small...which I love to hear. She has good neck strength and her legs are poweful! What a kicker! Just tonight I laid down next to her about a foot from her face and she actually looked at me and reached over to try to grab my face . We've been trying to get her to reach for her toys so we are very excited. She is also starting to "smile" alot too. It may just be gas or something but it's just too darn cute to us...

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