Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Word Up Wednesday

So many of the blogs I read do a post weekly that is titled "Wordless Wednesday". As you may derive from the title it is a post with just a picture. Of their kids doing something cute. Of some new decor they put in their house. Of some type of nature they observed. Anything really but the picture is supposed to speak for itself.

The picture I have can't do that. So I am taking the other route and 'wording' up my post. I found this pic amongst all the Christmas ones I had uploaded. I had forgotten about it but I took it with the sole purpose to blog about it.

It started when I heard the words no one wants to hear come from their husband. I was in the living room taking care of Mark and Brad was in another part of the house. I heard him speak an exasperated expletive. Since I knew Caroline had been following him around and getting into things I immediately perked up. Then those words you never want to hear came.

"How dangerous is it for a kid to eat aluminum foil?"

Umm, what??

He then brought me this item:

That's bread that my mom bakes for Christmas and gives it as one of our gifts. Somehow Caroline had gotten into the room where we had all the boxes of gifts we were going through and putting away. That's where she found the bread.

And chowed down.

As I began researching and trying to find out if we had to worry or do anything about this Brad found the piece of tin foil and chunk of bread that she must have spit out. She's just fine.

And well fed.

I swear we feed her :)

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