Monday, June 21, 2010

Boys and their toys

Forgive me but I had forgotten how many things I had stored up to blog about so I am going to do a few entries today while I have the time.

As I mentioned before, I am a garage sale addict. I believe I inherited this problem from my parents. Both of them. It is so bad that my mom doesn't even like going to them anymore with my dad. They come home with too much stuff! That and my dad usually buys tacky gnomes and plastic cats sitting on a birdbath statue things for his garden. Oh, and they are also solar powered so you can enjoy them at night too. Yay, since I can't get enough of them in broad daylight.

In order to go on with the story I have to tell you this story. Back when I was a bride to be one thing I really looked forward to was registering with Brad. And, by 'with Brad' I mean the only thing I was allowing him to do was use the scanning gun. In all honesty we did pick everything out together. But, one thing I took to heart and the ONLY piece of advice I usually ever give people in this situation is to register for anything. If you want it and think you will use it then put it on there. It doesn't mean you are going to get it or that someone has to buy it for you. But, you don't know what your guests are capable of or what they are willing to do. After all this is the only time in your life you will probably have this chance so take it. If you get it, yay! and if you don't you can probably live without it. But, that one frivolous thing to you may be what several people pool their money to give you as something fun, lavish and silly. That is how I ended up with a Kegerator. And, I will also never forget the people who gave it to me.

So, on to my 'pre story'. Brad and I did just the above scenario and along with the famous kegerator we registered for a Rumba. One of those robots that goes on its own and vacuums your house for you. At $200 we weren't sure if we would get it and if we didn't we probably wouldn't buy it for ourselves anyway. We didn't get it and we also didn't buy it either.
**Back to the original story now**
However, a few weeks ago my mom called from a garage sale. She and my dad had found a Rumba at said garage sale. Never used, never even taken out of the box. For $40. They bought it. They called us because there were two more still in their boxes too. Did we want one? For $40 we were willing to try it.

Oh boy, do I wish Brad would get this interested and excited over the upright that is in our closet. I swear he doesn't even remember it is in there. But, the Rumba? He took that bad boy home and charged it right away. The next morning while we waited for our new furniture since there was no furniture (except the camping chairs we were sitting on) in the room he ran it.

OH.MY.GOSH. You have got to be kidding me!!! He was all over the room making sure to get out of its way and getting all gung ho about it. I can only imagine how he is with the robots at work! Now, this thing goes on its own and if it bumps in to somehting it will stop and change directions. Yet, still he wanted me to hop up and move my chair to get out of its way. I stared at him like he was crazy as I let it hit my chair. I would pick my feet up though when it passed me! It takes an hour to do a full size room but in that hour I was able to make and eat my own breakfast, make and feed Caroline hers and put her down for a nap and touch up a few other messy areas in the house while my little robot took care of the living room for me. An hour later and my floors looked FABULOUS! I have yet to try it with all the furniture in the room but I have no doubt in its ability. If it isn't as great there is always still my upright. Maybe I can interest my husband in becoming reunited with that one :)

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