Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hello, my name is Monica and I have a problem.

I am an addict! I am addicted to garage sales. If I see a little sign with an arrow pointing down the street to a sale in progress, you can betcha I am probably turning down that street. Who can resist the deals? I mean one mans junk is my goldmine!

Last week I had noticed that one of the subdivisions in our area would be having their sub wide garage sales on Saturday morning. I couldn't wait for it. I had a mental list of things I was looking for and things I could always keep around. Thanks to Caroline we were up early and were able to get ready and I dragged Brad around on his first marathon garage sale experience. I think he had a lot of fun.

We were able to pull into the sub soon after the start time and the first few blocks were disappointing and I began to fear things wouldn't be good this year after all. But I need not fear. After moving the car to the next set of sales I met Brad who was walking our sleeping child (I swear she was born without the female shopping gene). He was already heading up a driveway but I detoured him to the other side of the street to start. My sights were set on the first item on my 'looking for' list. He didn't see it at first but as soon as he realized what had caught my eye he fell in right behind me and we both headed in to check things out.

It was perfect and exactly what we wanted; SCORE!!! The only bad part was that upon deciding we wanted it my hunny bunny pulled the money out of his wallet before I could talk down the price about five bucks. Oye, he had much to learn. But, still with the higher price tag we got a good deal on this gem:

Caroline had one without all those toys attached to it and we would just put her toys on the tray for her to play with while she bounced. She is the only one who enjoyed things this way. We would constantly have to stop what we were trying to get done while she was in there so we could pick all the toys up that she had thrown on the floor. I think this was her favorite feature of the exersaucer. She played with one like the above at a friends house and LOVED it. We looked into it and it retails for $120!!!!! Not going to happen. But when we found ours with a $25 price tag we were so happy. I would have been happier to walk away with it for $20 but whatevs.

We bought a few more small things and headed out toward home. We had already spent about 2 hours garage saling. We of course saw a sign one street down for the sub and had to turn and check it out. It kind of perturbed us because it was off the main road we were on but we had to go ALL the way down to the end of the street, make a turn and follow a curve around to the end of that street. But, as we parked I got SO excited I jumped out of the car to investigate our next possible purchase. I walked up the driveway and as I saw the price tag I almost jumped for joy. Brad was carrying Caroline in his arms as she was through with both the car seat and the stroller at this point and as I told him how much we both knew without discussing it that this thing would be coming home with us:

Are you sitting down? Do you want to know what we paid for this beauty that retails for over $300????? Get ready....we got it for $20!!!!! I wasn't even going to haggle that price. We paid the sweet mom of now teenage boys and felt like we were stealing from her. Brad dropped us girls off at home and went back to dismantle it and bring it home. I can't wait until C is old enough to use it.

The most fun purchase of the day was the last. My parents and brother had come out for some dinner and hospitality. Brad and Larry wanted to take the boat out fishing so my parents and I loaded C in the car and went out looking for more goldmines. I found one. I had let something just like this slip through my fingers at another sale but this was an even better deal so it must have been meant for me! Of course though we were in my dads little car. Like five seat, four door, tiny trunk little car. We managed to wedge this in the passenger seat and had to be my mom's eyes while she drove us the short trip home:

I know! Can you believe all of the treasures I am bringing home? I stopped at one today and got a BOATLOAD of clothes and shoes for C and her cousins for next to nothing. I can't wait for tomorrow and Saturday when more sales open up. Anyone need me to be on the lookout for anything? Sometimes having something specific to hunt for makes it even more fun!

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