Monday, June 14, 2010

I didn't know how good I had it.

I changed my first poopy diaper in over a week this morning. It was glorious. I mean the moment I realized how long it had been was glorious. The diaper was disgusting. We can definitely tell we are on solid foods now. Last week Brad was able to take off from work. We found this out about a week before hand but we only had about 4 hours to decide which week out of two that we wanted. No pressure or anything. Since this was so last minute we decided not to go anyway in terms of a 'trip'.


The week was so fun. The week was so relaxing. The week was so enjoyable. The week was too short. The week was poopy-diaper free for me. Brad seriously took her everytime since I am the one who usually has to handle it. AH, a poop free vacation. Twas lovely.

I have put together a pictoral presentation of the highlights of our week. So much actually happened so expect a few more blog posts this week as well.

Day one (Saturday) was spent shopping for furniture. ART VAN rocks my world!!! I finally committed and made a decision and decided to give yet another furniture company a big wad of money for living room furniture. Second time in less than two years. Yeah, this is waaaaaay better than the hunk of crap our stuff from 'that other' Michigan based company turned out to be. It came Wednesday and I am so happy.

Day two took us to the East Lansing area to see my BFF. She has a nephew about two months older than Caroline and even though they had been together before Lucas was a little wary of this new kid his family was paying attention to and letting play with his toys. But, he also couldn't help but try to hold her hand or grab her arm or take a whack at her either :) Such a fun visit and can't wait to do it again.

Day three had us heading up to Frankenmuth for the day. While everyone else ate their chicken lunches Caroline gnawed on her newest treat. She has begun gumming teething cookies. She seems to love them. She has some work yet to do in figuring out how to keep a hold of it but she is getting there. Boy, are these things messy.

Day four and five are kind of a haze. Probably because we just hung around the house and got stuff done. Maybe a nap or two in there. Mommy got some reading done this week thanks to daddy being able to help with everything. I finally finished the book I started when I was pregnant.

Day six took us to Toledo. Brad wanted to take Caroline to the zoo and the one in Toledo has an AMAZING aquarium in it so since she had already been to the Detroit zoo we made an event out of it. We even booked a hotel room wit a king size bed and a big pool in the hotel and everything. It was a treat for all involved. We had good weather, the animals were great (they have a baby polar bear AND a baby giraffe!) and we even popped in to see Uncle Larry's new apartment while there.

Day Seven was spet travelling home and then we got in the car again to head to GP since I was so bored and restless after the exciting week we were having. Day eight we hit a BUNCH of garage sales but that was so unbelievable that it will get its very own post soon.

So, today was a rough one for all involved. Caroline was fussy. Mommy had to take care of things all by herself. And, poor daddy spent all day at the office. But, we know he does it so we can have times like these once every year.

I'll have to decide when I want the next one to be. Maybe when daddy can take a whole week to potty train his little girl :)

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