Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm a handy one!

Well, Brad is gone on business for the second day in a row. He got asked to travel to Canada for a few days and 'should' be home tomorrow. But, at the same time our trip to Argentina has been pushed up from the 9th to the 5th so I decided to stay behind this time while he left so I could be here and spend time with family, friends and work around the house. But, back to the real topic here....last week we bought a inexpensive piece of furniture from a bargain store that doesn't really specialize in furniture but it worked for what we were looking for. We just got our land-line installed (yay!) and now we have a phone in our dining room. Well, the phone jack is in the middle of one wall and the electric outlet is at the bottom of the next wall...things did not look good. So, we wanted a table or stand to go there and found something that went perfectly with our dining set. We got it home and took all the pieces out and started working; I do all the reading and getting the correct pieces to Brad. Well, we got to about step five when we had to attach some decorative 'molding' to the top of the table. Brad took the screws from me and I was helping put some in since there were 8. After getting them all in, my Samson realized that he had screwed them so far and tight that they went through to the TOP of the table. Not good! He will go on and on about how it isn't his fault and how stupid the manufacturer is but the ones that little ol' me got screwed in as tight as I could didn't poke through :) So, he requested a new piece from the company saying it was 'defective'. When I came home today the new part was waiting at our door. Being as I would be home again by myself I decided to get to work. Two hours and lots of work later it is finished and in place. Quite a bit of labor and that thing is totally heavy once assembled. I took some pictures as I worked to show how much really went into it!

Some of the parts AFTER I had already begun assembly.

I'm almost halfway done!

Two hours and some change later: TAH DAH!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Teeny tiny confession :)

Our long car rides to and from Indiana lately have been great opportunities for us to talk about everything. Brad mentioned something about him that I really had never known before and it just sent my mind in all sorts of different directions. The next thing I asked him after that was 'do you really not remember me from Rob and Amy's wedding?'. He said no and I continued to look at the window; he then turned the question back at me. I waited a few moments then looked at him and did my honest 'what?' cluing him into the answer. Backstory here is that we started dating in 2007 but originally met in 2003 at a wedding of two mutual friends. Right after we started dating Amy asked if we remembered each other becaue we had indeed danced together that night. Brad had no clue of such a memory and said no and I went with that as well. Well, I LIED. I hate admitting that because I feel so awful especially since I let it go so long. No one really understands why I did it and I don't know why I finally admitted the truth either. Yes, I do remember Brad from that wedding. I remember what he looked like, I remember when he asked and what I thought, I remember what we talked about and I remember the moment I knew this would go nowhere-when he asked how old I was! I was 20 and in college and he was 28 and living in Indiana so it wasn't meant to be. I remember that being the first time in my life I really wished I was older; I felt disappointed for some reason. I didn't remember his name though but when Amy mentioned that he had been in the wedding I had a feeling it was him and then when I found my copy of the wedding video it was confirmed. I was excited but nervous. What if when he finally saw me in person it sparked a memory and what if it wasn't good? But, he didn't remember me at all. Before that and after we started dating I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want anyone to make a big deal out of it or to say it was a sign or anything and put pressure on either one of us. And, he obviously didn't remember and I didn't want to pressure him or make him try to remember if he couldn't. But, I do remember that first meeting and being embarrassed about not having shoes on...anyone remember how hot it was?...I had taken my nylons off and had to dance with him in my little Isotoner satin slippers. I also remember that for some reason that wasn't the last time he was on my mind. I can remember going back to campus that fall and I would think of that guy I danced with once or twice. I didn't know why I kept thinking of him but I guess I do now. So forgive me for withholding this information and hopefully no one thinks I'm nuts :) Whew, I feel much better!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have a thing!

I never knew about it nor would I have ever noticed before my husband told me about it. He just laughs and says "that's my honey" whenever it pops up. He's seen it happening for a while now but never said anything until after we were married. And, looking back I see that it is true. I have this 'thing' where when I take something to drink-be it in a glass or right from the can/bottle-I NEVER finish it. I don't just leave half a glass or take one sip; no I do something much more odd. I leave just one little sipful and I can't explain why! I love how funny he thinks it is and I honestly do it without even realizing it or knowing why I do it. I took a picture of it for him and it really is quite funny when you see it.

He will come home to find glasses like this all the time. Or, several pop cans on the counter or in the fridge with the same problem. You should see him smile over it :)

The Honeymoon is over!

Yes, after travelling non-stop since the wedding we are finally back home in Michigan. Well, at least for the next three weeks until we travel again :) I say the honeymoon is over because in retrospect that is what it felt like to the two of us. We were away from home and all the demands it holds, away from family and friends; just the two of us figuring out what to do with our days. Yes, Brad worked but we lived in a hotel and the 'normalcy' of our life was missing. So, we did have an extended honeymoon where it was just the two of us together doing whatever we wanted and we did enjoy it. But, we are home and getting settled in as newlyweds. The house is organized and what isn't organized is put in one of the other bedrooms with the door closed! Brad has gone back to the office for regular hours and isn't having much fun with it after all this time. I am doing my wifely duties and taking care of the household...as soon as I figure out how this is done I will be all set! We grocery shop, we cook, 'we' do laundry, we have people over (really just an excuse to see my nieces) and be lazy together. I have found the one downside of having a big, beautiful home with lots of space. I have a big, beautiful home with lots of space to keep CLEAN! Wow, quite a bit of work but I am nailing it down into a routine. I only allot myself a few moments on the computer so I am closing out now so I can go get dinner organized and pull out my pumps and pearls to be ready when my husband walks through the door this afternoon :) The picture below is one of my favorites from our first weekend home...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thank goodness I am a procrastinator.

So, this travelling business has allowed me to feed my procrastination habit. I am as embarrassed about what is to follow just as much as I am amused. I mean if you know you will look back and laugh, why not start laughing now? Right? So, our house is trashed...literal chaos. I want to have a panic attack whenever I walk through it. So, this weekend as we stood amidst it trying to figure out how to maneuver around it all I had to snap some shots. With the wedding, the holidays and now travelling-our house has been neglected. I have stuff EVERYWHERE! Exhibit A: this is how the kitchen looks for the first hour or so after we arrive back at the palace. Yes, one of those luggage sets is new; we don't travel with THAT much stuff.

This is the OTHER half of the kitchen...I have no idea why this stuff is sitting around. The boxes are empty and if we were ever around on trash day, they would go out. The rest of the stuff really does have a place in our home but that place is probably occupied with something else right now :)

You can also see exhibit B in the background of the first photo. The house was still entirely decorated for Christmas; I told myself I wouldn't put anything out but I couldn't resist. I did manage though to rectify the situation this weekend. EVERYTHING is taken down and every last storage container is out of the way and where it belongs! On to exhibit B as mentioned earlier. Notice the only part of the house not decorated for Christmas...only because it is still decorated for thanksgiving :) And, yes...our wedding 'leftovers' are all over the table too:)

Speaking of our wedding stuff...it has taken over. Which brings us to exhibit C. I took this shot becuase it was so cute. There was a corner for our wedding gifts that had gotten smaller and only had a few things left to put away but St. Francis looks so sweet surrounded by it all, don't you agree? He WAS indeed a wedding gift so he is technically in the right spot for now until he can go in the yard this summer.

Then, right next to this is the spoils of my after Christmas shopping...with a side of Wedding memorabilia.

Exhibit D kind of sums it all up...a head on shot of what this tragedy looks like from the hallway. With a very cute hubby caught in the background.

Like I said this is equal parts funny and embarrasing. The best part is though that I got my butt in gear and for the 36 hours I was home this weekend I managed to put it all away and my house looks much better and at least somewhat normal. Well, if the situation we are in can even be considered normal. So, for all you other house owners...hope this makes you feel better about your own home. Nothing can be as messed up as mine is right now! I wouldn't have it any other way though!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I finally have my life back!

Yes, ladies and gents those are what you think. I am finally done with the thank you's from the wedding. Really glad all the writing is done-how many ways can you make the same thing sound different?- but kinda sad too. I am very proud of the cuteness and originality of my thank you's; even how sweet the little return address label looks. All this time in the hotel helped me get them done-Brad even helped seal about 1/4 of them. So, they are coming soon to a mailbox near you. Please, take some time to admire them; I am very proud and it took plenty of effort:)

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Newlywed Game

Well, as of today I have been married for hmmm...23 days. In those 23 days and nights we have slept in 7, yes SEVEN different beds. In those same 23 days and seven beds we have spent T-W-O...that's right-2 nights in our own bed at our house! They weren't even consecutive days :/. Back in August I wished my employer the best of luck as I walked out the door for the last time and Brad stood by me through it all. We agreed that after the wedding I would then figure out what to do and I could do WHATEVER I wanted with my life and free time. Well, this turned into a blessing in disguise as I am able to spend my life and free time with Brad. We found out that he would need to do travelling come the new year and I decided to pack up and be with him for most of it. Who doesn't want to be with their new husband wherever he goes? I told him my home was where he is and we are currently in Lafayette, Indiana. Lots of people wondered why I would do this and asked 'what are you going to do all day in a hotel room while he works?'. Well, my friends I do lots and I would like to correct that this is NOT a hotel room. I have what is comparable to a studio apartment. I like to think of this as our way of experiencing the first home that most newlyweds can afford! I have two rooms and a HUGE bathroom. I have a full kitchen with everything but a oven and yes we have cooked meals here. I even have a dishwasher! My sister never had that in her first home! I don't use it but housekeeping likes to put our stuff in there if we leave it in the sink. Another added bonus: I don't even have to wash the towels or vacuum this house! I took some pictures but none of the bedroom; they hadn't made the bed yet :) As for what I do...I have discovered it all. Brad gets a ride into work each morning and I have the car. I found the mall, all the good stores-Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Wal-Mart and I know my way about town. Scary as this sounds I have to give Brad directions on how to get anywhere in town...talk about the blind leading the blind! Besides that I learned how to play Sudoku, I use the pool, I write thank you notes-I have kept busy. I know, nothing compared to the days most people have but at the same time I am far from family and never know how late my husband will be working so it does have major drawbacks too. I am going to try to keep this blog going...as it gives me something ELSE to do while down here...and for now and at least this next week it will be coming to you live from Lafayette. Happy 2009!