Monday, March 30, 2009

Another pride and joy.

So last weekend at my birthday party one of Brad's friends was talking to me about all that was new with us and how married life has been. I filled him in on what we had been up to and all our new endeavors and this said friend smiled and said Brad was spoiling me. I'm not spoiled, Brad just treats me right :) I have learned to love coming home simply because that is usually when Brad buys us something new. When we returned from 4 weeks in Indiana after Christmas he bought me a high tech elliptical so I can work out at home. Then after our return from Argentina we got my favorite thing of all:

yes, that is in MY dining room and the inside lights up and everything. Of course, there is more to go into all those spaces but I am still so elated. It holds all of our precious wedding gifts and our keepsakes from our special day already. He made me so happy and we really enjoyed picking it out together and going from store to store looking for the right one.

Now, if you aren't convinced that I'm not spoiled just look what happened when we were working in the yard and I simply said I didn't like that bush. Here is the response to that:

No more bush! Yes, we are adjusting to married life well and are only having fun working on our home together. :)

I love the kitchen

It's been proven that I do some of my best work in the kitchen. Since being married-for the short times we've spent at home at least-I have done lots of experimenting with cooking and baking and am proud to say I am quite good! It's safe to say that Brad won't ever starve; he loves all the things I try. And, he is good at telling me what could be changed or how often it is worth cooking certain things. My favorite thing is baking though and we all know how he feels about sweets :( So, I save those things for when we are having company or going to visit my family or something so I don't have to eat a whole tray of brownies myself. I made the cutest little confections this past weekend for my niece's birthday and can't wait to experiment with other ideas along the same line. Granted they are a lot of work but I am patient and see it through to the end. So, if I start posting a lot about my food don't mind me. I tell Brad that this is my job now and I am as entitled as any 9-5er to take pride in it. And, if anyone should ever want a recipe or tip don't hesitate! Now for a visual library of my best efforts yet. Yes, I take pictures when something comes out good-think of it as my portfolio/cookbook :) And, sorry in advance if I make you hungry. And, yes it is perfectly fine if while you look at these you think to yourself "that Brad is one lucky guy. How did he get so lucky?" ha ha :)
The cupcake bites I made for the birthday. Aren't they cute? They are kind of like a truffle and very delicious.

These are chicken crescent pockets and also very delish. They taste great as leftovers too. A very simple semi homemade recipe if you will. I even made the sauce on top. The rest isn't too exciting though just canned green beans and white rice I added mushrooms to.

Taco stuffed shells! Abso-freaking-lutely amazing!!! We both loved these and again they tasted great as leftovers for lunch the next day. Yes, a cross of mexican AND pasta; a great combination.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Knock on wood?

So, over this past weekend we got to talk with/catch up with lots of people since our joyous return home. Of course, they welcomed us back, asked us all about it and asked when his next travels would be. When Brad tells people this bit of info. they all respond with: "at least it isn't until July" or "well you get some down time before then" or something similar. Well, I would like to slap* these people because we have been jinxed! :) My reply back to them is always: "yes, that is only our guranteed job, that doesn't mean he can't be sent somewhere before then". And, that is exactly what happened. He called me yesterday morning and told me he was on his way home to pack for Greensburg Indiana. I of course went into a panic and had to decide what I would do. I have anxiety issues and of course worry over what everyone else will think about anything and EVERYthing in my life so it was a tough decision. While I know there are LOTs of things needing to be done back home I know they will all be waiting for me when I return. Up until the moment I pulled my suitcase back out of the closet I wasn't sure what I would do. It was a tough call but I'm not ready to send him out the door with a kiss yet while I wave from the doorway. I HAVE done it before though before we left for Argentina so I am capable of doing it :) It also doesn't help that I know how much he likes having me at the hotel and with him in the car either...and they are simple things I can do to make him happy and that is all I want. When we go on these car rides, we have our BEST conversations so at least that is something to look forward to! Plus, I am lucky to be in this position where I can drop my life, pack my bags and be with my love wherever he needs me so I am grateful or that. Continue to pray for us as we travel for work and travel through our life trying to figure out what is best for us!

*I wouldn't really slap you...only joking :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am so blessed :)

Last night Brad and I headed to my parents house to join them on a trip to Chuck E' Cheese. We had talked about it for over a week-we would join them while they babysat my nieces because my sister and her husband were going out with old friends. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary or anything. We had a leisurely day at home and aside from Brad insisting on doing all these odd tasks (he scrubbed our BBQ) it seemed normal. We watched tv and laid around dressed like slobs. Thank goodness I felt it necessary to make myself up; I was sure my mom would say something to me about being 'overdressed' for Chuck E' Cheese. I had my hair done and makeup on and a snappy outfit. Well, we get to my mom's house and go in (I was a bit peeved with Brad for something he wouldn't let me do) and the house is quiet. But my dad covered and told me the girls had 'trashed the upstairs so they went downstairs to trash that'. Well, fine-sounds right! I drop my purse off, take my shoes off (NO socks or anything!!!!) and head for the stairs. My niece and my mom are at the bottom and Abby is so happy to see me. I get to the bottom and my mom practically pulls my arm off to get me off the step where upon a whole crowd of people yell 'Surprise!' and begin taking pictures. I have seen one of the pictures and it can only be described as 'deer in the headlights'. I had NO clue. In fact, the first thought was 'why are they here, WHAT is the surprise for?'. My birthday was three weeks ago so I didn't think it could be that but it WAS!! I was so shocked and happy and wanted to hide. I saw 'my friends' but then I also saw 'Brad's friends' and was so touched. It showed how two lives really are becoming one and that we BOTH mean something to a lot of people! :) Last night meant the world to me; I don't know when I've been so touched and honored! I rode on that natural high well after I laid my head down last night. I got to see everyone and catch up with everyone and they all welcomed us home and it was wonderful! Upon looking back things throughout the day made sense. All the phone calls, Brad stalling, not going out there sooner when I wanted. Things he said. I am just glad that for some reason I felt compelled to spend quite a bit of time to do my hair and pick out the perfect outfit to go play skee ball and eat pizza with a two year old! My mom and my sister were certain I would show up in a ponytail and sweatshirt-my new staple outfit these days! It was a memorable evening and one I won't soon forget. If you were there last night please know how much it meant to me and how incredibly, amazingly happy I was because you were there! I don't have any of the pictures yet but hopefully someone can get some to me and I will post them; as long as I don't look like an idiot!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We're Home!

YAY! I am very happy to be writing this from the living room of my home in Michigan! We've been here for almost a week now so forgive me for not posting sooner. We left Argentina last Wednesday and 28 hours later we landed in Detroit and our first stop after the airport was Taco Bell. Which was followed by an amazing dinner of Hungry Howie's. Hey, can you blame us? We spent the weekend relaxing and spent some time with my family; my nieces seem to have grown up so much in 5 weeks! We were also pleasantly surprised with the great weather! We took advantange of it and spent Sunday working in our yard getting it ready for the summer. It is SOOO nice to be home and we are adjusting well. Since we have been travelling since the day we were married with only about two weeks collectively spent at home together this is NEW to us. Lots of adjusting still going on with these newlyweds :) I swear my internal clock is STILL confused and I blame the laziness on jet lag! And, we are happy to say that Brad is *staying put* (knock on wood) for a while. His next assignment isn't until July and it's back in Indiana so we have some time before that. But, that doesn't mean he won't go anywhere before that either :/ Most of his department has been laid off so the remaining 7 or so are picking up all the slack which means we can expect a lot of travel but we are praying on it and know we will figure out a way to get through this period. Right now we are just happy to be home and be together and do our routines and see everyone. Yes, we can't wait to see everyone so drop us a line and we would love to catch up with you all!

Friday, March 6, 2009

We should be flying home tonight...

But we're not :( Brad or rather his robots had a less than stellar week and we found out on Wednesday that we would not be leaving this weekend. Trust me when I say I did not take the news well! We had already gotten our bags ready for our departure and everything. I may go crazy before Wednesday gets here; thats our new exit day which is better than next Friday as they originally planned. Not much left to do here and being on my own now isn't as easy as it has been. The weather is still nice but a bit cooler some days and I don't feel like sitting around in my bathing suit very much anymore. I've seen all the shops and don't want to buy anything. This really disappoints us both...we wanted to come home with lots of treasures from our trip but we haven't seen anything worthy enough that doesn't look like something we could have bought at home. So, because I really needed to feel useful and productive I washed some clothes today!!! All together now: 'Wow, way to go!' I am a direct descendent of the worlds most economical and effecient traveller and I call her mom. If you don't believe me just ask the Kleusch girls; my mom has mad skills when it comes to being away from home. Way back before I left she found me travel detergents...these cute little packets that are the exact amount you need to wash clothes in the sink! I never even knew these existed and she bought me enough that I could travel for the next two months or so and be good on clean clothes. Of course, our sink doesn't have a stopper but I just triple the detergent and wash it all in the tub. I'm not proud; I am not about to have the hotel clean my clothes for $10 per pair of shorts !!! nor do I really feel comfortable dropping them off with Juan whom I can't communicate with and hope to have my delicately decorated silks and satins back later (nor do I enjoy the idea of some stranger handling my unmentionables!) I haven't done a ton of laundry but our socks and skivvies have been through several times as well as Brads shirts...most of my clothes I wear more than once anyway. That and I packed a TON of clothes; I don't know what I was thinking. I never would have thought I would be bored enough or crazy enough to hand wash clothes to keep active. Gosh I can't wait to get home and get a LIFE! So, for a few more days I'll be enjoying Argentina....don't miss us too much and don't despair-we'll be home soon! (and don't worry...EVERY article of clothing from this trip will go through the good old washing machine as soon as we get home!)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I thought it was just a superstition...

Our hotel doesn't have a 13th floor!! I never thought that it was something hotels really did or something people REALLY believed in. I was in the elevator today probably for the 100th time and just noticed it...just thought it was crazy and surprising. We have 20 floors but technically not since there is no 13 :P

I'm getting good at this!

Well I never imagined that I would be one to stand on the curb, raise my hand and make my way around town in a cab. But, recently I have gotten used to it! I've only been in a cab a few times but I can now hail one and get to and from places all by myself (ie without the aide of a local...I won't take one when I am on my own for some reason). Even Brad is amazed by what I am able to do. Even with my little bit of Spanish (which has improved over that last four weeks!) I can manage...although I try and make sure I have the hotel business card in my purse just in case they can't understand me ;) So, I am dumbfounded with my new 'talent' but being in a car is still something I don't want to do too often here! It seems that you need only two things to be able to drive in this country: a horn and no fear...and if you always believe that you are never wrong-thats a huge plus! I swear, it is crazy here. If there wasn't a door on my side of the car I can reach out and grab fenders of oncoming cars at the intersections. There are no lights, no stop signs...we don't know how they know who is stopping or not. It's crazy...I can't wait to get back home hopefully I will be able to remember how to drive myself around!