Friday, November 25, 2011

The Good Wife

Early one morning this week my phone was ringing. Well, since I was in the middle of a phone call already, it really only beeped in my ear.

The caller ID appeared on our television screen with Brad's office number.

My heart stopped. Brad calls me twice a day. Once on his lunch hour and once to tell me he is on his way home. My heart stopped that morning because the only reason he would have for calling me at any other hour of the day was to tell me his work schedule would be changing.

Yes, I have received these phone calls several times. I have been told to cancel or change plans and prepare myself for him being gone for the next two weeks or working all weekend or switching to third shift for the next month. I have even gotten one telling me he was on his way home that instant to pack to leave on a road trip ASAP. These are not welcome phone calls to me.

However, as I answered with trepidation that morning, Brad just chuckled and said everyhting was fine. He didn't have his cell phone and wanted to let me know it. I found it still plugged in at the counter in our kitchen (he attached the empty holder to his belt though-crazy man)and even though I didn't really want to the words somehow squeezed their way up my throat and out of my mouth.

"Do you want me to drop it off to you later?"

What?! WHAT!? Hey, crazy hormonal pregnant lady! Didn't you already decide-last night!-that today would be a jammie day? The only day this week I didn't have to get dressed and worry about how I look and I offered to go out. The only day I didn't have a doctor appointment or test at the hospital or shopping to do or people to see and I could stay in my pj's and not have to do my hair or makeup or anything (Yes, Brad's a lucky guy-I know) and I was making plans to leave. Brad replied in the best way possible.

"I could meet you and take you guys to lunch"

Hmmm...throw a free meal out at this pregnant chick and I am already planning in my head what my child and I will be wearing that day :)

So, Caroline and I met the daddy man for lunch at a restaurant not far from his office. My luck that day doubled when I found out the special of the day was the fact it was "Mexican Tuesday". SCORE! We got free bottomless chips and salsa and about ten specials to choose from.

I of course ordered one of them for me and el nino, my favorite dish to be exact and felt embarrassed just ordering after reading the description. One and a half pounds of food were on their way to me. No I didn't even eat a 1/4 of it. But, I was looking forward to it.

When they placed this huge platter in front of me I wanted to crawl under the table. Really? Talk about pigging out, lady. After preparing Caroline's food for her I went to pick up my fork and knife to cut into my feast. It was then that I heard the words I had always wanted to hear come from my husband's lips. Well, after 'lets do lunch'.

My husband looked at me, got a HUGE smile on his face, kind of groaned and said "now, that makes me proud".

He was talking about ME!!

....and my humongous lunch....

Hmmmmm I took it as the compliment he meant it as but couldn't help but tease him about it.

He will be the first to admit that he never knows what to say in any situation. He really doesn't.

I have always striven to make him proud. By the way I act, the things I do, how I look and even how I show my love for him. One of my love languages (go get the book, NOW) is words of affirmation so after I strive to do all those things I long for affirmation of course. It has rarely ever been spoken though. I know he loves me he is just bad at putting his feelings of adoration and awe for me into words :)

So, I had to take this chest puffing moment of pride for him for what it was worth. He was only being the man he knew how to be and I loved him for it.

I had married him (and looked like the most beautiful princess on our wedding day) and in the last three years I have managed to keep his household running, organized our bills and budgets, made sure he had clean clothes weekly, a clean house to come home to relax to, and in my spare time I had carried and delivered a perfectly beautiful little girl for him and was standing on the doorstep of given him another child. Heck, I've even surprised him with my mad shopping skills by taking our grocery bill down by nearly $40 one week with my use of coupons and sales. I kick butt, people.

But, on our lunch date he was so happy to be with me. I loved being with him and how much he was making me laugh. I decided I would go home and get rid of all my makeup, hair tools, perfumes, jewelry, fancy clothes and never touch my cleaning supplies again. After all I had made my husband proud.

As long as I eat a meat stuffed concoction the size of my thigh (which, remember I did NOT finsh) he'll be proud of me.

His pride and obvious love and admiration for me made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Well it was either that or indigestion.....

I've made my husband proud :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween 2011

What a FUN time we had this year! Caroline was so interested and active in every activity this year that I can hardly wait until next year! I thought I would do a photo-documentary of all her fun times from Halloween this year.

We bought her her very own tiny pumkin and allowed her to paint it. She had fun but everytime she got paint on herself she would stop what she was doing and make Brad get it off :) My litle girl has some diva in her after all!

We did our traditional Trick or Treat night at Canterbury village and she wore her Frog costume for the first time. I've had to hide it all this time after we put it on her to see if it would fit and she always wanted to play in it and yell 'ribbit!'

She got the hang of trick or treating really fast! She had been practicing saying 'trick or treat' and was really good at it. But, after the first time saying it she went to the rest of the candy stations and when we asked her 'what do you say?' she replied 'I want more!'. Of course, she followed that up with a thank you so her good manners weren't totally wasted!

She of course helped daddy with the carving again this year. Just like my tradition went, we save this for the night before Halloween!

On Halloween night she went Trick or Treating at my parents house with my nieces and some other 'cousins' like we've been doing for years before she was even born. We had a cute frog, a care bear, darth vader, Dorothy from Oz and Jessie from Toy story (in a costume I made her!)

I had been in the ER for most of the day due to some breathing problems so I stayed behind to pass out treats while Brad took her to collect them. He said she kept up with the big kids! We didn't take a stroller or a wagon or anything...she ran with the rest of them. Brad finally had to carry her the last block back to the house but he said she had tons of fun!

These are my favorite pictures :) They are both from our adventures in Canterbury Village. The first one is from last year and of course the one from this year follows. I may have to do this every year from now on!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What today means to my tomorrow....

7 years ago. It's really been 7 years.


I was 21 years old; it was fall semester of my last year of college! I had worked all day while simultaneously studying for the midterm I had that evening. If I remember correctly it was a food service course.

I would be going on a site tour the following morning for another class and had borrowed my dad's car for the week. A orange 1988 Reliant K car. We called it the creamsicle and it was awesome :) It needed gas so after work I set out.

The sky was blue-I remember that. No rain, no wind and not many clouds. A perfect day weather wise. It was close to 4:00-I remember that too. As I pulled into the pump at the gas station a song came on the radio and I ALMOST stayed in the car to listen to it but didn't. I told myself to do what I needed to to and get back so I would have time to study before dinner and then my test was after.

I paid cash and had to run back in to get the change-the tank wasn't as big as I thought it was I guess! I don't remember what I did with the money. The song was still on in the last few lines and bars of music.

That's the last thing I remember.

I lost so much time and memory that day.

Within a half hour my dad would answer a phone call at home. It was the Livonia Fire Department and they were on the scene of my accident. He was trying not to flip out but had to call my mom at work. I guess someone drove her home while another person followed in her car because she wasn't in a state to drive.

Somehow it happened. To this day I don't remember how. My doctor's tell me that is my mind's way of protecting me. I do remember that I was going to try to make a left turn at the light instead of going across all the lanes of traffic of the other road to get back to school. I had to make a left hand turn to get into the turn lane though. Something happened. I don't know what. I tell myself still that I wouldn't have done anything stupid. That conditions must have changed. I didn't see someone or they didn't see me.

I was hit-on the driver's side T-boned-by a dump truck. The police department later told my parents the car saved me. Since it was an older car they were 'made like tanks' and it took most of the impact. I was hit so hard that had I been in a newer model compact car the PD were sure my car would have flipped. The car sadly didn't make it :( It was totalled but it had been good to me!

When the fire department got to me they were happy to see that I had been wearing my seatbelt. But, the driver's seat was behind the passenger seat and I was still strapped to it. I had a bad head injury and so there was blood everywhere. They told my parents (who knows why they would tell them this) that when they saw me in the car they weren't optimistic about finding a pulse. I was unconscious for quite a while that day.

But they did and they began stabilizing my body and cutting the car open. Yes,I have direct experience with the jaws of life. I don't recommend it :)

Somehow this all happened right outside of St. Mary's hospital. I was taken there as fast as they could get me there.

My parents were making their way across town to be with me. They had to call my roommates to let them know what happened. My roomies had heard the sirens and thougth nothign of it...we lived right behind St. Mary's so it was common. Two of them took off to see if they could do anything at the hospital until my parents got there. From that moment word began to spread. Around campus, my family, my friends...everyone was being told what happened. I always think of it as the calls went out and the prayers went up.

My mom had been in contact with a trauma nurse relaying important info about me so they could treat me. She told them it was bad but I was responsive. I had started to 'come out of it' but I don't remember that at all. I didn't even know I had even been at that hospital. As my parents were preparing to get off their exit the nurse called my mom and told her not to come to the hospital. I had started talking and screaming about how my abdomen and legs hurt. St. Mary's wasn't able to take a trauma case as bad as mine so they were waiting for Survival Flight to arrive from UofM Ann Arbor. She told my parents to go directly there. Since they were literally two minutes from me my mom begged and the nurse agreed to see if they could hold me off for a few moments.

My parents got there and they decribed it as something out of "ER". They were able to talk to me and hold my hand and pray over me. I don't remember it at all. They had literally one minute before they were shoved out of the way and had to stand and watch me get loaded in and take off. My mom wanted so badly to go with me and I dont' blame her. But, the helicopter is balanced for a certain amount of weight, people and equipment and only patients were allowed. My one and only helicopter ride and again, I don't remember it.

My first memory comes sometime after arriving at UofM. I remember yelling at my doctors. I told one he was stupid and that I wouldn't do what he wanted anymore. I remember yelling at everyone as they tried to get me off the glass filled sheet I had been transported on. Every window except one little one had shattered so I had glass everywhere and since they didn't know if my neck and back were ok I had to go several hours with the original sheets and such they used at the scene. Once I was cleared and they could move me more they had to get rid of the glass.

I remember someone pickign it out of my hair and eye corners. I remember my sister standing over me crying. I also remember thinking 'why can't she pull it together?'. Head injuries do funny things. I remember lots of bits and pieces from my stay in the ICU in Ann Arbor.

I asked about my bra and clothes. Sadly they had all been cut off and were gone. I was pretty upset about that one. The only thing I got back was my pair of Wal-Mart shoes.

I remember being asked who the president was. I almost answereed and then stopped. An election was coming up and I didn't know if it had happened yet or not and if we had a new president.

I remember asking when I had popcorn. I hadn't eaten any that day and was confused. I somehow had a kernel stuck in my back tooth. I plucked the 'kernels' out with my tongue and pulled them off my tongue to inspect them. I was looking at several big shards of my tooth. It had shattered below the gum line when I got hit.

All in all I had a better prognosis than they expected. When I complained about my pelvis and abdomen and legs they thought my spleen had ruptured and I had broke my pelvis.

My guardian angel had really been doing her job. The doctors coudln't explain how it happened. I had NO broken bones. But, my entire body from under my left armpit to my knee was one big bruise. It was gross.

I had no internal injuries or bleeding at all. Well except on my head.

I had a 'mild closed head injury' with a concussion and all that good stuff. I had been hit in the head with my door and cracked it open. My sister still talks about how the doctor showed them the wound and they coudl see my skull. I have refrained, somehow, all this time from looking at the pictures she took! I had three layers of stitches in my head-about 30 some in all. I still have the scar and it bothers no one but me. I hate it. But I am grateful to have that instead of another alternative.

I was released the next day and thus began MONTHS of treatment and tests and such. I returned to the ER closer to home a few days later. My parents were told of things to watch out for that would warrant a trip to the hospital. When I started talking about going to high school they were worried. When my mom asked me how old I was and I told her 13 they promptly put me in the car.

That was a huge thing for me now too. I didn't get behind the wheel of a car for 4 months. And, for about 3 weeks I woudl freak out just being in a car. I had to sit in the front where I could see everything or someone had to sit with me in the back...I didn't want to be alone.

My memories of all of this and the following weeks are bits and pieces and I have no idea what order they go in or what goes with what.

I ended up with 6 weeks of physical therapy to repair damage doen to my shoulder and hip. They still bother me to this day but again, it coudl be worse. I had to see a specialist for eye trouble, ear trouble, psychological problems I was having and an oral surgery to prepare my tooth for a crown. I can't even really remember all the things I had to have doen and the doctors I saw. Too many to ever want to go through again.

I did return to school in January. I was determined to finish on time and I did. I had no desire to be in school anymore or be away from my family so I worked to get done. I graduated with honors even. And, went back to work full time while doing it.

I struggled for a long time about why this happened. For some reason this happening to me made me realize how grateful I was but also put a lot of pressure on me. I also realized how naive I was. Nothing this 'bad' had ever touched my little life before. I went to church, got good grades, was nice to everyone, followed the rules all the time; bad things like this don't happen to good people like me. Wrong!

I questioned why I was still here. Yes, God still had a purpose for me. But, to spare me from something like that what in heck was that purpose?? What was so important that I needed to stay here???? I felt like I was living on borrowed time now and every little thing I did had to be right in order for me not to 'waste' this second chance God had given me.

It's gotten easier but I still have my moments. It's very hard for me to see accidents or hear about them and how someone didn't make it. I did. Why didn't that person? I am sure I will always struggle with this. But, I will always be just as grateful too!

And, that song I heard? The one I almost stayed in the car for? Believe it or not (and trust me, I think it's cliche too!) was "Live like you were dying'. It was written about me and for me. I always seem to hear it at just the right moment. The day I graduated college. While we were on the way to the salon on my sisters wedding day. As I played with my nieces. On the way to my first pre-natal appointment :) God is always there to remind me!

I now know why I am here.

Brad was still waiting for his wife. It was me. He had waited so long for me but I had a long way to go before I got to him :)

I am here to be Caroline's (and this amazing new baby) mommy. I look at her and how smart she is already and watch her develop her gifts and talents so early and I just KNOW she is destined to do wonderful and great things. SHE wouldn't be here without ME. God needed me to bring this precious being into the world.

She, Brad and our family are all a part of this story now. I am glad I am still here and hope that I don't ever 'let' God down in his plan for me.

So it is that every October 27 I celebrate another birhtday. A different kind of birthday. A RE-birthday. The day I got a second chance and a wake up call.

The day I will never take for granted. You shoudn't either.

I have never written about this. I don't talk about it much anymore (I talked about it with EVERYONE in the beginning) but I hope it doesnt' bother anyone that I shared it.

And, I hope that after reading this you someday get the chance to live like you were dying. Like tomorrow is a gift...what did you do with it?

God is good. All the time.
All the time. God is good.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


The 'big girl room' is finally complete! We've been doing lots of creating, recreating, painting, crafting and shopping to finally get here! We are very pleased with it and so is Caroline; we've had to put one of those childproof doorknob locks on the door so she can't go in there whenever she wants (whenever mommy isn't looking!). She loves sleeping in her big girl bed and aside from the recent problem she's had with getting out of bed to come into our room at all hours of the night we are very happy with this smooth transition.
And, now I will let the room speak for itself:

This tree was a pain to put up but I am in love with it. Both her dollbed and desk are garage sale buys and she loves 'rearranging' the furniture!
I made the curtains from one long panel curtain that I got at Salvation Army for $3 and then embellished. I also re-did the night stand and the lamp is from a Mom2Mom sale.

A close up look of the used to be a plain natural wood color with no decorations at all!

My old dresser that we painted white...much better! I made the picture frames on the dresser, the name blocks on top and re-painted the little shelf on the wall.

In my opinion I think this room is every little girls dream come true :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Karma. It sucks.

I don't know if I truly believe in Karma per se.

I do think that if you put good (or bad) out there, you will eventually get good (or bad) things come back to you.

Is that Karma?? Who knows.

I do however, 100% fully believe in the mother's curse. Did your mother curse you? Mine did it to me. The curse sounds something like: 'someday when you have your own children I hope they..." or "I hope someday you have a child just like yourself ..."

Then, WHAM!!! Karma steps up and high fives you in the face.

Yes, my parents delight in laughing at my situation with Caroline currently. They don't even try to hide their amusement and enjoyment. I wouldn't blame them. Now that I am in their position, albeit about 25 years later, I hope this cycle of the curse may continue and I can be the one watching my daughter tough this one out.

Back when I was little girl, from about ages 2-6 I enjoyed my bathtime.

I did NOT enjoy having my hair washed though. I think my parents hated it too after awhile. They could close all the windows and lock them tight and even have the air conditioner running making tons of noise; and my dad would be outside later and the neighbor would still say: 'so, you washed Monica's hair this morning,huh?'. They REALLY hated it.

Yes, I would scream and cry and go all hysterics that loud :) They tried everything. I had one of those foam hat things so the water couldn't get in my face. Nope. My mom tried washing my hair in the sink like at a beauty shop. Nope, didn't work. She tried to get me to sing songs with her. It sounded something like this: "these are a FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS" with the octave and emphasis gaining on each word as she poured the water on my head and my knuckles getting white holding on to the arm of the chair.

I remember being in the tub one time and my mom said it was time to lean back to rinse my hair. I did what I thought was 'lean back' and she had to pry my little fingers off the side of the tub and the soap dish as I was holding on to them for dear life so as not to lean back too far. As I said this went on for YEARS. It probably didn't help that I had thick hair down to my butt either. Looking back I cant' believe they didn't just hack it all off and save some time and sanity. And for the safety of their eardrums.

Caroline is not this bad...I hope it never gets like this. I am frustrated already. She won't sit still, she won't stay seated and she rarely stays quiet once that water hits her head. I even try to get it wet in shifts. I start at the back-nowhere near her pretty little face. Nope. The panic begins as soon as any one little hair is damp. She loves taking a bath and her little feet and fingers are all pruney by the time we force her to get out. Her hair is another story. And, since I am the one who is doing the washing that means her dad is the one trying to hold her or lean her back and calm her. Yeah, because he doesn't crumble under his little girl's screams. He is mush and it doesn't usually work when we try not to get it in her face. I have started to just pour two big cups of water right over her head to get it over with as fast as possible. Yes, she screams but we wipe her face and tell her its all over and her world is soon right again.

As much as my parents hated washing my hair they love when I wash Caroline's hair about ten times as much. They get too much joy out of this. My mom does tell me I am only being a good mother but she has to stop chuckling first.

The mother's curse. Don't ever doubt it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Open letter to my daughter-

Sweet, Sweet Caroline-

I am so blessed and excited I get to journey with you every single day as you grow and change. I have to laugh at your appetite as of late. Just like your daddy-you eat anything! You really love your raspberries and strawberries and broccoli lately. But, just the other day you ate around all the peas and carrots in your soup and only wanted the meatballs and gnocchi ;) I am so glad you didn't get many of mommy's picky eating habits.

However, if you insist on filling your pants on an average of three times a day because of your new appetite, I would greatly appreciate you saving at least one of those occasions until after 5pm. I don't think your father would want to miss out on this 'milestone' stepping stone in you growing up. I want to be sure he is always included in all the changes in your life. Let's give him a chance to participate, huh?

Love you bunches,

Monday, August 29, 2011

Trading Spaces

I knew it was coming. I knew that Caroline would get a new room so the baby could have the nursery.

Whether I like it or not, my little girl is going to grow up.

Whether I like it or not she is getting bigger and will demand to be treated as such.

A few weeks ago her first big demand came.

While staying at my parents house for a week (mom had knee surgery and needed my help) she absolutely refused to be put down in her pack n'play.

I didn't even see it coming. I didn't even realize it would happen so fast or easy.

My little girl decided she needed to be in a big girl bed :(

My parents had a toddler bed in the basement and we set it up right across from our bed in the guest room and she loved it.

She survived and so did I....well really, I am dealing with this new change every day.

When we returned home we knew she couldn't go back in the crib. We had a full size twin bed ready for her and she took to it really well. We bought her a twin trundle bed at Salvation Army months ago. I don't even think we were trying to make her a big sister yet but we knew we would need a bed for her someday and this was a GREAT deal.

Because we were so unprepared, we had to run out and search for bedding that I liked. That proved harder than we thought but we found something that we liked and it is all coming together now. We aren't doing a 'theme' but rather a few main colors and accenting with little bits and pieces of her current favorite characters.

Brad is busy painting all of the second hand furniture to match the bed and we hope to have that ready soon. I have a TON of little projects in the works to complete the look and hopefully we will have a big reveal soon. But for now, this is what it looks like. Remember, we weren't ready for this big change; she sprang it on us unexpected which is why her room doesn't look 'kid friendly' quite yet :)

Yes, the printer will be moved soon and the patio cushions are until she fully gets the hang of the bed and we are sure she won't fall out. And, when we are sure she understands she can't just climb out whenever she feels like it :)

If you'll excuse me she wants to sit on my lap and read a book and I am embracing these 'little kid' moments as long as she lets me have them now :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

El Nino

I happen to be 100% Polish (and proud of it). Brad is 50% Polish with the rest mostly German.

The child I am carrying is somehow part Hispanic. I think.

With Caroline all I can remember having is food aversions. The wonderful pregnancy cravings never came. This time around I crave so much stuff! The first and biggest one is Mexican food...anything spicy really. I can't get enough Taco Bell or homemade Tacos or nachos. I usually HATE salsa but if we get chips and salsa somewhere, guess what I am dipping?? My dad even made a Taco Bell run for me one night while we were down there since Brad wouldn't go :)

This kid LOVES spicy foods. It isn't everything though. I really have no desire to go to say Buffalo Wild Wings but I do want to make my homemade buffalo chicken pizza. One day my brother and sister in law were visiting my parents and we were all together. They had brought a small bag of those flaming hot Cheetos and offered me some. I am not one to eat them all that much but I couldn't seem to keep my hand out of the bag. They are a good go to snack for a spicy craving. Now, if only all the food I want to eat wouldn't give me such bad heartburn....this kid better come out with a full head of hair with the heartburn I get!

Thus, because of this I have dubbed this child: 'el nino' :). My mom has joined along with me but everyone else still mostly calls him/her 'santa baby'. My name fits in other ways too.

Not only is this kid addicted to spicy food he is also a jumping bean. I SWEAR I started to feel movement around 13 weeks this time; it may be because this is my second pregnancy but I don't know. For any and all ultrasounds we've had the baby is NOT cooperative AT ALL. I went to the pediatric cardiologist to check on the hole they think they found (there isn't one!!!!) and every time the tech would go to enlarge the picture the baby would move. And, she was enlarging "just ok' shots...the baby wasn't giving us anything good to work with! I could feel AND see what was going on in there while it was happening. EVERY SINGLE time we go for an ultrasound all it does is hop around and push everything out of the way :) We have quite the rambunctious little one on our hands here!

As I said, the heart doctor couldn't see anything majorly wrong with the heart and we are hoping that they don't find anything minor at birth either. I have to see my Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist every four weeks now to monitor my growth until I deliver but I get to see the baby every time so I don't mind all the extra doctors. I am 23 weeks along and I have one more doctor appointment before I start seeing my regular OB/GYN every two weeks!! We are slowly getting there.

In big sister news, she is also getting ready too. Much to mommy's dismay. Last week while staying with my parents she absolutely REFUSED to sleep in her crib. She spent the week in a big girl bed :( TEARS! (from mommy at least) We have a big girl bed for her at home too and we went out and bought all of her bedding and pillows for it and she sleeps there everynight...her crib sits empty. But, we also now have to get a move on with her 'big girl room'...the ONLY thing in there right now is the bed. If you looked at her 'room' right now you would wonder what kind of parents we were! And, as of Sunday she is also refusing to sit in ANY highchair. Whether we are at home or eating out. She has a booster seat attahed to a chair at our table and just looks TOO big. She is ready to be the big sister I guess!

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go check if I have all the supplies to make Taco's for dinner tomorrow...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A baby update

So many people have emailed me to ask me how I've been I'm feeling...if we have news. I haven't gotten back to any of you and I'm sorry! If you've been thinking of us and praying for us-thank you so very much. Knowing how loved we are right now means the world to us. And, the power of prayer seems to be helping and I am doing so much better than I was just a few weeks ago.

I keep this blog not only to share with our friends and family but as a way to document things for myself and for our children. If I keep it around long enough, they may be able to read it someday! It is for that reason that I am going to give a brief summary of what we have done/found out so far and where we stand now.

10 weeks pregnant: I found out that I have one variant of the MTHFR genetic mutation. This means my blood clots more than it should. It's hereditary but have had NO problems because of it in the past. My OB/GYN wants me to see a maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialist to deal with this.

12 weeks pregnant: I see the MFM specialist and never once think anything could be wrong with the baby. We get our first ultrasound and find out that the baby's Nuchal Translucency or Nuchal Fold at the back of the neck is measuring large. Normal is 1.5-2.5 and ours is at 6. It could be nothing or it could be a problem. MFM wants me to have sequential screening done with my OB/GYN the following week. I am scheduled for another ultrasound with MFM at 17 weeks. In the meantime he puts me on extra vitamins and other medications to make sure my blood won't clot on me.

13 weeks: go in for my 12 week visit and to have the screening done. Blood is drawn and another ultrasound. Baby looks good and the neck is now measuring at 3.6...still above normal but not what it was. Doctor seems positive and we discuss how I am a great candidate for a VBAC! Yay!!!
I leave feeling so much better.

14 weeks: I get a phone call from my from him personally, not one of the nurses. This can't be good. Bloowork came back and it was also too high. I am told we have a 1 in 23 chance the baby will have down syndrome. It's tough to deal with all of this at this point and we decide to share with everyone what is going on. As long as I don't think about it, I'm great and everything feels 'normal'.

17 weeks: we go for second ultarsound and it is very upsetting. Baby is not cooperating and it is hard to see everything they need to see. They find a hole in the baby's heart. This can be normal and if it doesn't correct itself we can fix it after birth with surgery. But, children with Downs have a higher rate of having this so for us we have to take it as another marker. The baby also 'may have' (couldn't get a good shot) a club foot. Again, fixable with surgery but for us...another bad sign. Baby wouldn't open it's hands so they couldn't see how they were developing...Downs hands are different evidently. Baby's neck measurement is still higher than it should be but we are not surprised. Can't get many of the other looks we need to check on things. Heartrate, however is great. MFM doc wants to do an amnio to find out for sure. I don't want to yet. He asks me to have the second round of sequential bloodtests done and I agree. We leave feeling so upset and hurting so much. All I do is cry and pray for my baby's safety. We go back in two weeks to have another look.

19 weeks: Back to MFM for another ultrasound. FINALLY an appointment that is good! Baby is still not cooperating (I swear we are there for an hour doing the ultrasounds!) but we get some better views. Still can't tell what the feet look like but we are fine with that. The neck measurement is EXACTLY where is shoud be for this point in time!!! Can't get a look at the fourth chamber of the heart but they think the hole 'may have' closed but I have to see a pediatric cardiologist for it anyway. Just as a precaution. Hands are OPEN and looking great! Baby definitely has a nasal bone! Find out from my second set of blood work that I am now up to 1 in 27 chance of Downs Syndrome and the chances of other chromosomal problems or neural tube defects are 1 in the 1o's of thousands! MFM doc offers another amnio for our sake and again we decline. We are so happy with all of the good news and feel so much better and positive. We are coping and dealing with this much better now :) Even the doctor admitted that from our first visit to now, he never would have expected things to look like this!

The power of prayer works!

I have to go in and see the MFM doctor every four weeks from now (on top of my regular OB/GYN appointments) on for another ultrasound to watch the baby's growth. I am going to see the pedi. cardiologist next week and praying that all goes well. That's all we have for now!

Again, thank you for thinking of us and for praying for us. Please know that it is working and it is helping us :) Keep up the good work! We are more than halfway there now!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Poop happens

Hey, you all know how much I love poop.

I have several blog posts devoted to the subject actually. But, today I actually am excited to talk about it! It may just be a fluke but this morning my not so little girl put something in her Elmo potty seat!

That's right, my 17 month old is a bathroom GENIUS!

I don't expect it to happen again anytime soon but this is huge to me :)

A few weeks ago we noticed she was very interested in her cousins going potty at our house. Like the toothbrushing thing we though maybe this would work to our advantage. After both Ania and Abby were done on the toilet she made my sister put her up there too and hold on to her. Nothing happened but we took it as a sign. So, we went out and purchased a potty that can eventually have the seat put on the big toilet for easy transition. It has Elmo on it and he even talks to you when you hive five his big hand. Not annoying at all :)

We haven't really been trying per se but she does sit on it and we have taken her diaper off and sat her on it while explaining to her what she was supposed to put in there. She thought it was a great novelty, of course.

But, this morning I was on the phone with my mom and about a minute into the conversation she started to walk out of the living room. I stopped her and asked where she was going. She turned and said 'poop' and kept walking. I stayed on the phone and followed her and sure enought she went and pounded on the bathroom door. Upon me opening the door she walked to Elmo and tried to take her pants off on her own! I helped and sat her down and about 10 minutes and all of her bath toys and books taken out sure enough there was a tiny lil ball of it in the potty!

We cheered! We clapped! We gave Elmo a high five! Mommy cried! Busia yelled praise on the phone! I took a picture to send to daddy later! (I'll spare you that viewing :) )

It was a magical bathroom party! I don't know if it will happen again anytime soon but I am enjoying it for today. I have plans to visit the mall today with a friend and you can bet someone will be getting a good 'potty prize'.

Way to 'go', Caroline! Mommy (and Elmo!) is so proud of you!

Monday, June 20, 2011

My little sponge

I am trying to think of all the 'new' things Caroline is doing lately. I used to worry and still do sometimes that I won't be a good 'teacher' to my children. That I wouldn't be able to teach them anything before they went to school. Turns out I don't have much to worry about...she picks stuff up on her own just from being around me and mimicking anything she sees or hears. I have done my share of 'teaching' her some things but I can't believe what she knows and I go 'how did she learn that?'.

Genius, my friends. I tell you, she is a genius.

She now knows FIVE animal sounds. In addition to the dog and monkey she already knew I have taught her cow, kitty cat and duck. She's her own Ol' McDonald :)

She now puts down her fork or spoon when Brad and I begin to pray before meals. She stops what she is doing and puts her hands together with the biggest smile and then claps when we say AMEN. I hadn't even started working on that with her!

She also knows who Jesus is and can identify pictures/statues of him when I ask. She is more vocal and rambunctious in church now so I usually ask where Jesus is and she looks to our big crucifix and points and is quiet and transfixed for at least a few minutes :)

She knows her please's and thank you's....I am so proud of this one! Alhtough, she thinks as long as she says please she gets what she asked for. Gotta work on that one.

We have alwasy played the 'stinky feet' game with her where we smell her piggles and then make a big fuss of them being smelly. They aren't but she LOVES it. This past weekend she started smelling her own feet (or ours) and then waving her hand under her nose going 'eeew'...cracked us up the first time she did it!

She now pushes her own nose and makes a honk-honk noise and then pushes ours and giggles at whatever noise we decide to make.

She knows where the baby is and will come over, lift my shirt, hit my tummy and say 'baby!' and then air kiss my stomach....awwww! She also thinks there is a baby in her belly AND in Brad's though :)

I know there is so much more she does because she changes everyday but I can't think of it all!

One of the biggest things she is doing now is brushing her teeth! We had given up on trying to do this long ago and I was so worried all her teeth would fall out soon. We used to have to pry her mouth open and listen to her scream while we did a quick once over. After my sister's family spent a weekend with us and she saw her cousins doing it, she wanted to participate. So, we went and got her a fun toothbrush with Cookie Monster on it (although she calls him 'Cook') and some training toothpaste. Now, the only screams come when we literally have to pry the toothbrush out of her fingers :)

Long time, no blog...

I have good reasons though. We've been busy growing and taking care of this little slice of heaven :)

I guess I have gotten into that mindset of "no one is going to want to read about the boring things we have going on" or I am too busy with the few 'big events' we have going on that I let my blog fall to the wayside.

If you still even read this blog (does anybody, really? let me know...) I am sorry!

We've had THREE ultrasounds already so we've seen lots of 'Santa Baby' as my nieces have nicknamed him. Yes, they tell me it's a boy this time! Abby and Ania have all sorts of reasons and explanations about why I am having a 'boy baby' this time and since Abby was the ONLY one in the family to be correct right from the get go with Caroline...I have to wonder this time!

All we want is a healthy baby and if you are close enough to us to know our struggle right now, you know that we aren't just being 'cliche' or anything.

I am through the first trimester but I can't seem to find any energy still. I was doing SO well with everything until about week 10...I swear I barely 'felt' pregnant until then. After that I was nauseated all the time and if I didn't take a nap I was sleeping on the couch anytime after 4 pm. I am starting to show off a bit more of a bump than I expected and I THINK I feel movement every now and then!

I only have pictures of our second ultrasound on my computer and those ones are actually the best ones. The first ultrasound was just two weeks before this and all we had was a blob. I mean, I thought the baby's head was it's butt. I'm going for mother of the year. But, the next time we looked the baby was super cooperative and kicking and fidgeting and we could make out so much. I don't know if this was because we were seeing a specialist and their machine/tech is better but it was amazing! I can't wait for the next two weeks to pass by...we get to check out our little one again and take some more measurements and hopefully get some good news.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Santa is bringing us something special....

I figure since I made a big announcement for Caroline, the next one deserved the same. The Easter bunny and Santa Claus must have been working together this year. Right before Easter we found out we had a Christmas package on the way. I am hoping to be able to 'open' this package before Christmas but we'll see :) All is going well and we are aiming for December 17. I see the nurse again tomorrow and the doctor in a few weeks. I don't know what it is with the months of December and January but we seem to want to cram everything into those two :)

Caroline wore her shirt to tell both of the families and my mom noticed right away and froze. I think she walked around in it for over five minutes with Brad's family before anyone realized it! And, it was Brad's sister who just walked in the house who realized it first and thought she missed the big announcement :) I even had to look at the digital test twice to make sure the 'not' wasn't in front of 'pregnant'...nope just one word! I am so thankful for this gift as it did take some more time and effort than we had previously gone through and I also had a 'female issue' pop up right around my birthday that made me even more worried. But, God is in control and I am so happy to be pregnant again and pray that everything continues to go well. Please pray for us all also and we'll keep you updated!

God Bless my mother

Mother's day is this weekend. I think I have a pretty great mom and even though I won't be with her on Sunday :( :( I am thankful for her everyday so that makes up for it.

This will be my second Mother's day. On my mom's second mother's day she already had two babies. I came along a mere 15 months after my sister. Caroline is now 15 months old herself.

I have NO idea how my mom did it! Maybe it's because by this time next year I will have two babies that my energy is a bit more zapped than normal or the fact that Caroline has about 10 times the energy that I normally have! She is at such a FUN age and I love spending my days with her.

She has a HUGE vocabulary now and we carry on 'conversations' and she understands so much of what I say.
She is a little stinker and knows how to push my buttons or do something she is not supposed to do. She has the most adorable smile when doing it all though so it's ok :)
She loves to dance and does this stomp thing with her foot...I have no idea where she learned it.
She still has the temper and lots of her own ideas and a strong will to get her way. She definitely has a mind of her own.
She LOVES to be outside. Brad will usually be the one to take her outside and when we bring her in she screams like someone just slapped her in the face. She loves going out and hates coming in.
If you walk around my house you will see lots of piles of rocks. She loves piling rocks together and carrying them around-one in each hand. If she doesn't have a rock in her hand that's because she has a stick in it instead. My girly girl loves the outdoors :)
She eats anything and everything. Seriously. If it is on my plate it is even more appetizing to her. If she is close enough she won't even ask but just grab it right off the plate! Obviously she hasn't inherited my picky eating habits.

Our days are spent between singing, dancing, listening to music, watching some Sesame and Micky Mouse, eating, snacking, reading books (OMG she loves this part), making messes, taking ONE nap (we both usually do this these days!), throwing a fit or two, following me EVERYWHERE and she has even learned to help me put laundry in the washer and dust the living room-just from watching me do it!

Again, I don't know how my mom handled all of this with a brand new baby. I can't imagine having a brand new baby with Caroline being this age. I never thought I would have two kids under two but by Christmas we'll be there :) Granted Caroline will turn 2 a month later but I am sure we are in for an adventure. I hope she takes to it well and I am as awesome of a mom as I think I'll be to both of them. After all, I do have a pretty awesome mom myself so I hope I got some of her goodness.

Happy Mother's Day all you moms. We ROCK!

Olive Juice, mom :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm noticing a pattern

Yesterday we actually had plans. Places to be. People to see :) This doesn't happen often-we would actually get out of the house!! Yay! This doesn't happen much until the weather gets nicer and warmer. Somehow when that happens, I get much more energy :)

Caroline of course woke up way too early...before I did even. Which meant I had to do everything-choose our clothes, start the daily chores, wash my face and brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup-EVERYTHING with her underfoot. Oy. She can really get into stuff within a short span of seconds. I was beyond frustrated with her and was only half dressed myself while she was still in pj's. We had barely started and already mommy was crying. Ok, so I was crying AFTER spending 5 minutes with a flashlight on the floor looking for my wedding ring. Guess who can reach up on mommy's nightstand? Guess what mommy doesn't leave on her nightstand anymore? It was found don't worry.

I do leave her bedroom open while I get ready so she can terrorize that but my bathroom/bedroom has better toys evidently. I called my mom after I found the ring and got my heart to start beating again just to talk myself down again. While on the phone my little angel came out of her room (yes, after she lost it, she left me alone to look for it!) with her church coat. As I talked I kept an eye on her as she walked to the kitchen and made her way to the laundry room. When I caught up with her I saw a similar sight to my last post.
She even managed to put one arm on....the wrong arm but she did it all on her own!
Either she REALLY likes to be outside or she doesn't like being here:) I think its the first one...I hope!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just like mommy!

Sometimes it amazes me how much Caroline can do and understand and comprehend as she gets older. Every once in awhile she will do something all on her own out of nowhere and just wow me.

Yesterday I was looking something up online in the living room and heard her little padded feet enter the kitchen. Uh-oh, mommy must have left the gate open. Caroline saw her escape and took it! I went in there after her to bring her back and found the funniest site. She really must have thought she was going somewhere and since I knew she wouldn't get far I ran and got the camera so I could share the joke with Brad later. Here's the joke:

If you look carefully she has her keys and credit card in one hand and her purse on her other one (while holding My Little Pony). I told Brad I think this means she wants to go to the mall :) He just laughed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sassy pants

I decided to update the blog just now. I just asked Caroline if she pooped (I already knew the answer as she now makes sound effects whe she does her biz and her eyes bug out of their sockets) and she replied "poop". We've learned so much in the last few weeks :)

She knows how to say poop and poo-poo. And, will walk to her bedroom door and wait to be changed afterwards. Smart cookie.
If you ask her what the doggy says she replies 'woof-woof'...sometimes she is very quiet about it though.
She knows the monkey goes 'ooh-ooh ahh-ahh' and loves bananas.
She knows she is 'sassy' and repeats it whenever you tell her but she puts much more emphasis on in it so it sounds more like 'saaassssssssssssssy'. More like its a good thing to be :)
She knows and will point out where her hair, nose and piggles are. Those are her toes if you couldn't guess.
She knows music is for dancing and her best move is twirling. She spins and spins until she usually falls over from the dizziness. Cutest. Thing. Ever.
She knows how to throw a tantrum. BIG ones. Or at least bigger than anything she ever used to do. She does the dead weight thing really well. Especially at bedtime...
She's gotten really good at understanding questions and commands. If I tell her to give something to mommy she is usually very good at bringing it to me or handing it over. If I ask her where her baby (doll) is she will go get it. Then she does the cutest thing and puts it on her shoulder and pats it like I do when playing with her. She is a cute little mommy :)
She says mommy and daddy or da all. the. time. We love it. She has said busia, poppa, Dave-Dave (my brother in law and one of her favorite people). She knows how to wave and say hi and bye. Adorable. She has been blowing kisses for a while now but after she waves bye she usually knows to blow kisses after that. Melts any heart.
She can pat her hand over her open mouth and do what we used to call the Indian call. Forgive me if that isn't politically correct anymore! She also does the thing where you take your fingers and 'bounce' your bottom lip while humming to make that bub-bub-bub type sound.
She talks and repeats so much and it is amazing how much she understands. I am working on 'all done' with her arms out and everything when she is done eating and we are getting good at it. Perhaps a bit too good....:)
We went to Ash Wednesday mass at night when Brad got home from work. It was quite the experience as that is uaually her time to run around like a hellion and get her energy out before bed. Needless to say she was quite energetic and 'saaaasssssssy' in church. At one point, I can't even remember what part of mass it was, we were all sitting and the whole place was quiet and the priest had just sat down and what did that mean for darling Miss C? Brad was holding her and puts her hands out and proclaims 'all done!' for everyone around us. We were nowhere near being 'all done' so it was a bit embarrassing but more cute than anything.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Master Bedroom Update

I finally got around to changing the artwork above our bed. It used to be an outdoor painting. Maybe an eagle or some trees or a lighthouse. I can't recall and I have no idea where I stashed it after I pulled it off the wall. Either way, it has a new home. I don't like the idea of haging a portrait above the bed at all. I can't explain it but to have a photo of us on our wedding day or of our family staring down on me in bed while I sleep (or do other things) just weirds me out. I'm abnormal. I've learned to deal with it.

So, I came up with several ideas of things I would like up there and it ended like this:
The best part (and also the reason it took me so long) is that I made three of those elements all by myself! The middle piece is actually the second reading from our wedding :) A perfect reminder of what we wanted from each other and for each other right from the beginning. I used printable Inkjet Iron-on transfers and a simple painters canvas. If you stand at a certain angle you can tell it is ironed on and I don't really like that but I am happy with it. For now. I will probably redo the whole thing somehow, someday.

The only thing I didn't make was that picture of a rose. I got that for 60% off at JoAnn's and the only reason I bought it was because I thought I could turn it into something else! I could only come up with three ideas of things and I really wanted a fourth and I put it up there to save me from losing my mind...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Now you see them, now you don't...

This morning I pulled the ultimate "bad mommy"...I turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in hopes it would distract Caroline and hold her attention for a while so I could get something done. It didn't work. While she loves Mickey, she would much rather be involved in an adventure and getting into mischief :)

I usually hang all of her clean laundry on hangers while in the living room with her and then go back and forth to her room to put it away or get more hangers or something. My hypothesis today was maybe it would save me some energy and time if I just did it all right in her room where everything belongs and where the hangers were.

Hypothesis failed.

She followed me in there and while I reorganized her closet and drawers and pulled all of her 12 month stragglers out of the closet she found other things to do. I was keeping an eye on her and trying to find specific things to keep her occupied so she wouldn't pull apart her drawers or the shelves in the closet or her basket of shoes or to try for the millionth time to climb on the gliding ottoman. That last one makes mommy's heart skip a few beats every single time.

About 15 minutes into this "quick" task she started to scream and pitch a fit. She was over by the diaper champ and was trying to turn the handle. Ok, she has figured out what it does. For anyone who may not know a diaper champ is where we keep the yucky diapers. It has a spot where to toss the diaper and then you pull the handle forward and then back again and the diaper drops into the pail with little fuss or muss. The handle had become stuck on C and she did not like it. I went over to investigate and unstick the faulty handle.

Thank Goodness I opened it...
While I was hanging things in her closet she had taken socks out of her drawer (it's right next to the diaper champ so that was a plus for her) and put them in the diaper hole of the champ and then turned the handle to make them disappear!! Just like Magic, mommy!! That cookie monster slipper that she found was the handle jamming culprit. He had gotten stuck as the pail was too full of socks, tights and dirty diapers. Yes, I am re-washing a bunch of stuff this morning :(

At least I got a good laugh out of it. As I began pulling out footwear I found that it might not have been the first thing she tried....

If you can see him, that is her reindeer weeble. Weebles may wobble but this one definitely did fall down the diaper chute :) And, yes that is her hand...she thought she would help me get everything out.

At least she is learning new things, right?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Not your mother's bra

Earlier this week I put on a bra for the first time in about a year and a half.

Yes, that's right for the FIRST time. It was a REAL bra. Not a maternity bra or nursing bra or the sports/sleep bra I wore to bed for months.

Nope, it was a CUTE bra. It was black with this really artsy white flowers all over it. It has a little scallop edging to it. It doesn't have clips or hooks or anything to open up the front. It didn't cost me an arm and a leg either.

If you haven't put two and two together yet, the real point to this post is that after one year and two days Caroline has given up the 'momma juice'. She is a very happy, healthy, WEANED one year old.

I made it through ONE WHOLE YEAR. After the rough start we had when she first came home from the hospital I can't believe we made it. I can't believe I made it. I am so proud of myself and that doesn't happen often.

It all ended on a beautiful note. Two weeks before her birthday I started taking Caroline down to two feedings a day with about 13 hours between them. Then the following week I went down to one feeding at 5 or 6 in the morning; whenever she woke up. It was tough...tougher than tough. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to take it down to nothing. She was so fussy and cranky and angry through most of the process. But, at about 4 am two days after her birthday it all came to a wonderful end. It was about 13 hours after her party had ended when she woke up very upset in the middle of the night. We tried everything to get her to stop crying and just relax and go to sleep. Finally, with nothing else to try and both of us dead on our feet we did the unthinkable (to us) and brought her in our bed to lay with us. I ended up cuddling her close to me and she nursed and feel asleep. (we put her back in her crib after that) I didn't realize it until later but I had fed her for the last time since I said come Monday there would be no more feedings.

She was a champ. She never cried for it. She never got cranky for it. She was unbelievable.
So happy with her sippy cup of water or milk. What a big girl.

I do miss it but I know it would only be for my benefit at this point. She eats anything and everything we give her now. I love that we got that time together. I am so so thankful that it worked out for us. I can't imagine doing things different.

But, I do enjoy eating spicy food and having a glass of wine again too :) I am not one to toot my own horn but in this case I might....

Go me- you did it when you thought you would have to give up. You made it when you thought you wouldn't.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Life as a one year old...too funny not to share!

On C's first day of being one she decided to celebrate her 365th day the same way she did on her first day....

In her birthday suit! I sometimes let her roam about in just her diaper before I put clothes on her and I had done so that morning. While I went to take cupcakes out of the oven and put the next batch in she did this. I came into the living room to a funny surprise and quickly remedied the situation...she's my funny girl :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A year of learning

Just in case you missed it my baby hit a huge milestone in her life. Her first milestone of this kind really. She had a birthday.
I have a one year old. It has been one year since I gave birth. One year of not being pregnant. One whole year of being a mommy.

That sounds pretty intimidating and scary to have it all written up there together like that.

What a year it's been! I have lots of highs and lots of lows. Lots of 'ah-hahs!' and lots of 'duh's'. Lots of tears (from both me and Caroline). Lots of being awake and little bits of sleep:)

A year of discovery. A year of learning. A year of giggles. A year of finding out.

Here's some of the more important things I've learned this year thanks to my baby girl.

I'm tougher than I ever thought I could be.
I have never been one to face confrontation head on. I'm a wuss when it comes to tense, awkward and tough situations. I can imagine myself freezing in my tracks if ever caught in such a situation. But I've imagined situations involving C and something happening to her. Something or someone hurting her. I've also thought about what I would do as her mother. Seriously, mess with my kid or my family, threaten our well being and happiness in anyway and I will personally kick your arse, scratch your eyes out, call you out, run you over in my car if I have to, there will be levels of noise you've never heard. I mean it, mess with me and immacutabitch as they might say. Pardon my language. I'm passionate about my kid.

I'm a comedian.
Just aks C, she'll tell you how I keep her in stitches all.the.time. All I have to do is look at her a certain way and she erupts. She loves the way I say mmmmack-uh-roan-eeeeeee. Try even getting her to eat any after I say that. You'll have to wait for her to stop laughing. Oh, and she has the BEST little laugh ever :)

I've talked about it before when she was really little. Everyone said 'with your own kid it will be different'. Nope. My kid has nasty poo and I hate it. It only gets worse as they start eating more solid food. And the stench is horrible too. I have literally gagged over my own sweet little girl. Don't matter who does it. A poopy diaper is nasty. Blech. I am trying to teach C what we taught my nieces. "poopies are for daddy's".

I will never again have privacy.
Yeah, I know I gave up some privacy when I married Brad. Boy, I thought THAT was hard to get used to! At least he lets me use the bathroom by myself. C thinks the bathroom with me no matter what I am doing is the most fun place to be. While I pee. While I shower. (she actually lifts the curtain to try to join me. And soaks herself in the meantime. Fun times.) While I dry my hair. Even with the door closed I can hear her little knuckles pounding on it while Brad tells her to come play and leave mommy alone for two minutes. I like that she wants to be with me so much but I hope in the future we do our bonding somewhere other than the bathroom :/

My kitchen floor will never be completely clean EVER again.
I used to use my swiffer vac every other day at the most. I would diligently clean off her highchair. Wipe down the counters and table. Then turn on my swiffer; I LOVE that thing. I hate stepping on crumbs and garbage walking through the room in my barefeet. Now, I give up. There are more important things to be doing each day as C gets older and older with each one and I don't want to waste them cleaning my floor. Instead I sigh as I wipe my feet off yet again and wonder: When did we have Ham???

Walt Disney is a Hero.
I love sharing a great part of my childhood with C. We listen to the classic hits from all the Disney Movies every day at breakfast. Brad and I sing them to her while we cook dinner. She loves it. I allow her to watch the Disney Channel and sometimes will put one of my DVD's in. I can't wait to share this magic with her as she can understand it better. And, I really can't wait to someday take her to the happiest place on earth. And, we can be kids together :)

Heaven smells like Dreft.
Nothing is better at the end of the day than holding that precious bundle of an angel in my lap while I inhale the scents of Baby Wash and Dreft combined. I love it so much I may always wash her clothes in that. It's one of my favorite smells now.

I miss being pregnant. I want to be pregnant again.
I love having her here though! It's amazing how giving birth and raising a child can make you forget all the low points of pregnancy. But, occasionally I have a twitch in my tummy and remember when that was her kicking me hello for the first time. She's going to be a great big sister....someday. *SIGH*

Time goes way too fast.
She's one. I have bags and bags of clothes on shelves in the basement that no longer fit. She's walking and talking and understands me. She puts herself to sleep without having to be in my arms...well every once in a while. I am not pushing for that one to be every night yet. I can't believe this little girl was my little baby this time last year.

God is Good. All the time.
No explanation needed!

I love my little girl. Happy 1st Birthday, little Miss C. Can't wait to see where this year takes us.
Janurary 21, 2010

January 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas 2010 in a nutshell

Caroline loved Christmas. She got LOTS of toys. Those toys make lots of noise. Mommy needs a break from the toys. The End.

Just kidding.

But we really did enjoy the holidays. I don't remember the last time I had this much fun on Christmas and I LOVE Christmas. We got to see Santa twices, I shared cookie making and decorating with C and opening gifts with her was so fun! We celebrated our traditional Christmas Eve with Wigilia at my parents house and C ate anything we gave her. We went to church and then came back to find Santa had stopped at Busia's house. I think he left EVERY toy in his sleigh but we have three very good little girls in the family :) Miss C celebrated Christmas enough times this year that by Christmas morning she finally got the hang of ripping the paper off the packages instead of just eating it off....She got many new things that she loves to play with and she will be one dapper dressed girl this year so far!

And of course, the previously mentioned milestone. While I was helping clean up after Christmas Eve dinner everyone who wasn't helping started screaming for me to come quick. I happened to have a cookie in my hand that I was trying to munch on and it was the key to the moment. As I stepped in the hallway and looked at my daughter and she looked at the cookie, I knelt down and held out the sweet treat in my hands and she WALKED right into my arms! About 5 steps in all but it was the most beautiful Christmas present ever! She of course got the cookie to eat and we didn't get any pictures of course. Good thing too, since I had my ugly cry face on most of the time. You know the one where your mouth isn't really closed or open and your eyese are so squinted you can barely see around the tears and eventually you cover your face with your hand?? Yeah, I had that times 10 I was so moved. She is getting better at walking now even though she does most of her moving about by crawling still but we are getting there.

New Year's was celebrated in a hotel in Ohio this year. Brad had to work of course. So, at midnight he was at the plant and I was at the hotel with my mom and dad and C. We all fell asleep waiting for the ball to drop. I'm pathetic. What a memorable event that will always be :)

Hoping your Christmas season was wonderful and 2011 is off to a great start!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Chew on this

Miss C was definitely born into the right family.


Yes, she belongs with us. She eats all the time and any time she can. You aren't eating YOUR snack, you are eating something C has allowed you to eat. She usually comes right over and starts by staring at you and trying to grab the food right out of your hand and if that doesn't get her food she will just start screeching. If you are eating and she isn't, the world is not right. She has a love for food. Particularly carbs. Which my mom loves to brag about. Potatoes, bread, pasta, crackers. She goes 'hog wild'. I am trying my best to throw some dairy, veggies and fruit at her while she goes to town on the carbs . It would work for a while to just put all her meat and veggies or whatever I WANTED her to eat in a big pile mixed up with her bread or noodles or potatoes and she would just grab a handful of everything and eat it all. Alas, my child has figured me out. She either picks around what she doesn't want or simply eats around it. Yes, she knows how to put it in her mouth and swallow what she wants while spitting out the unwanted item unchewed. How can one little 11 month old be so smart? And, where the heck did she get these picky eating habits from?? Heaven only knows. :)

That was all precursor to the funny story I want to share. Miss C and I took my parents on a road trip this New Years Eve to go see Brad who was away on business for a week. Of course, any good road trip needs a stop at Cracker Barrel and that was our lunch on the road to daddy. When our food got to the table C grabbed food right off my mom's plate and began munching. She gets her table manners from her father-I swear. Alhthough, I did once witness my oldest niece as a infant grab a pickle from her mom's plate and proceed to turn and dip it in my Gyro sauce before we could stop her. I told you C belonged in this family. Anyways, when C grabbed my mom's lunch we went hysterical. She loves cucumbers and tomatos but did she grab those? Nope, the only thing she wanted off the salad was the croutons. Carbs of course!! My mom and I died in laughter.

Wait, you're not laughing as hard as I was?? Oh wait, in order for that story to be really funny I have to tell you this story.

My mom has a group of friends she has known for like 30 years or something. They are the FBI ladies since they all used to work together. Yep, mom worked at the FBI. Impressed? You should be. Intimidated? Prolly not. She was a private secretary but she can hold her own at the shooting range if you were asking. And, there are a group of us that we used to refer to as the FBI kids. When our moms did stuff together we usually did too. One thing they used to do was a bowling league in the summer. They would bowl on Tuesday morning and there was a 'nursery' in the alley that would watch us while they had all the fun. Afterwards though we all went out to lunch. One Tuesday afternoon we were at Burger King. The moms sat us down and told us to wait while they went to get our food. My sister and I were told to keep an eye on my brother. Yeah, he was two, I was 5 and my sister was 6. There's the first mistake! Anyways when the moms return with our food my mom couldn't find our brother. Then, we found him. I will forever remember the image of him that we all were viewing. This also happens to be one of the only times my mother wishes the 'floor would open up and swallow her' she was so embarrassed. There stood my brother in his little shorts and t shirt with his beaten up tennis shoes standing at a table of what looked like construction men. All about middle aged and in work clothes. Big and tough looking. And, my brother was picking the croutons right off of the salads of one of the men.

I am laughing as I type this, it is still that funny. We love to talk about it to this day. And, my brother was so proud when I told him what his niece was doing.

Merry Christmas!

And, Happy New Year?? Gah, I swear I am not lazy but I haven't posted in almost a month. It's not my fault. My laptop has been out since three days before Christmas. It had a boatload of things wrong with it. Biggest one being that it had someone kind of virus on it. Not going to mention any names on who did that one but it wasn't me :) Then, I went to download some pictures and discovered my usb ports were broken. Great. The final straw that finally got my butt in gear and sent me into Best Buy for the second time in three months was my built in webcam wouldn't work. Joy. Not helpful when you are trying to Skype someone. You may wonder how I am writing this right now. If anyone were to walk into my living room they may laugh their arses off. I have a desktop set up on my end table. Big ol' flat screen on top and the chunky tower underneath. Thank God, for wireless keyboards and such. Not such pretty decor in my opinion. Plus, we had to slide a piece of wood between the legs of the table so Miss C can't touch the pretty little light up thing and push it or as I like to call it, the POWER button. We have a rocking setup my friends! So, until my friends over at the Geek Squad are done, Christmas posts will have to wait. And, we had a BIG milestone on Christmas Eve this year. Now I have your attention huh? Betcha you keep checking back to find out what she's done now!